POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.animations : IRTC Status Server Time
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  IRTC Status (Message 4 to 13 of 13)  
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From: Chris Cason
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 31 Jan 2007 05:33:25
Message: <45c07075$1@news.povray.org>
As promised, here is my response:

We have not heard from Jesse, which is a worry. The other active IRTC admin
(Chip) was holding off in the hope he would respond, since the tasks of
releasing the rounds are usually done by him.

Chip has agreed that the best course right now is to release the round for
viewing, which will be done within 24 hours. Voting will not be enabled at
this point.

With respect to the direction to take for the future ... I have some
comments regarding this. I will make that shortly in a new thread.


-- Chris Cason

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From: David Cuny
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 12 Mar 2007 03:10:02
Message: <web.45f50a7b463ebb8fb55da6960@news.povray.org>
So what's the status of the IRTC?

What I expected would happen by this point - now that several months have
passed, and it's abundantly clear that the last IRTC admin is AWOL - is
that Chris would be asking if anyone would be interesting in taking over
the admin role.

I could be wrong, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

The IRTC itself seems to be on permanent hold. The prior contest images and
animations are "available for comment", but none of these comments seem to
have been posted.

The impression I get is that the prior IRTC administration has managed to
alienate a lot of people, including Chris and ex-IRTC administration. The
workings of the IRTC seem to have been done out of sight of the general

Chris has spoken of a "clone" of the IRTC, but it's not clear to me why
someone can't just take over the administration role. The IRTC rules are
laid out, the structure is in place... What's issue?

So what's the plan? Is there going to be some effort made in continuing the
IRTC, or will it be left in permanant limbo?

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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 12 Mar 2007 05:53:01
Message: <45f5310d@news.povray.org>
David Cuny wrote:
> What I expected would happen by this point - now that several months

Only six weeks have past. I would recommend at least two or three more
months of patience...

	Thorsten, POV-Team

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 12 Mar 2007 06:25:01
Message: <web.45f53782463ebb8ff1cb1e660@news.povray.org>
Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
> David Cuny wrote:
> > What I expected would happen by this point - now that several months
> Only six weeks have past. I would recommend at least two or three more
> months of patience...
>  Thorsten, POV-Team

Ah! The modern world, everything should be instant :)
Strange behaviour form people who will wait an hour for one line of an image
to render :-)


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From: Mike the Elder
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 12 Mar 2007 06:35:00
Message: <web.45f53a08463ebb8f6d4565230@news.povray.org>
Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:

> Only six weeks have past. I would recommend at least two or three more
> months of patience...
>  Thorsten, POV-Team

Good plan. And as for this global warming thing, another century or so of
complacent inactivity should let us know for sure whether or not there's
really a problem.

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From: Markus Altendorff
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 12 Mar 2007 08:22:15
Message: <45f55407$1@news.povray.org>
Mike the Elder wrote:
> Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
>> Only six weeks have past. I would recommend at least two or three more
>> months of patience...
>>  Thorsten, POV-Team
> Good plan. And as for this global warming thing, another century or so of
> complacent inactivity should let us know for sure whether or not there's
> really a problem.

Call me overly sensitive, but do i sense a slight hint of sarcasm in 
that statement? ;)

In a more serious state of mind, i'm sad to see the IRTC fall into 
limbo. It's (was?) a place where you can (could?) send in your 
contributions and (quoted from the rules) "don't have to be any good." 
When it comes to 3-D, there's not much of that around the web any more. 
E.g. i wouldn't dare enter any of my stuff into the galleries of the 
Cinema4D forum that i also frequent, simply because i can't compete with 
users that do things like character design or architectural 
visualisation or movie f/x for a living. IRTC is/was where hobbyists or 
after-hour dabblers like me could go and get feedback for their work, 
and get a regular challenge to work on, learn and improve.
Then there's YouTube where you simply get lost among millions of dumb 
stunts and/or even dumber comments spewed out by spambots, and that's 
about it. Then there are all those teams of graphic design students that 
build a video as final exam (like all theses SupInfoCom people), or f/x 
pros with too much time at hand (e.g. 405-the-movie).

Doesn't leave much space to fit in...


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From: St 
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 12 Mar 2007 12:47:03
Message: <45f59217$1@news.povray.org>
"Mike the Elder" <zer### [at] wyanorg> wrote in message 
> Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
>> Only six weeks have past. I would recommend at least two or three more
>> months of patience...
>>  Thorsten, POV-Team
> Good plan. And as for this global warming thing, another century or so of
> complacent inactivity should let us know for sure whether or not there's
> really a problem.

   Gah, that's the way I see it. I really don't get it. All those years, and 
no-one can talk to the guy hosting it.

    Or, did Thorsten hint at what's to come?



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From: David Cuny
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 12 Mar 2007 14:45:02
Message: <web.45f5ac14463ebb8f8ebd4ff50@news.povray.org>
Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:

> Only six weeks have past. I would recommend at least two or three more
> months of patience...

For what? What will be different in two or three months?

To be honest, when I first read through your reply, I thought you were
kidding, just making fun of the fact that the IRTC has traditionally been
late doing things.

I'm sorry for sounding unkind, but I have real trouble believing I'd get a
response like this if this were something that the POV-Ray group really
cared about.

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From: Sabrina Kilian
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 13 Mar 2007 21:05:44
Message: <45f75878$1@news.povray.org>
David Cuny wrote:
> Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
>> Only six weeks have past. I would recommend at least two or three more
>> months of patience...
> For what? What will be different in two or three months?
> To be honest, when I first read through your reply, I thought you were
> kidding, just making fun of the fact that the IRTC has traditionally been
> late doing things.
> I'm sorry for sounding unkind, but I have real trouble believing I'd get a
> response like this if this were something that the POV-Ray group really
> cared about.

Imagine that IRTC was your project, and something came up in your life
that prevented you from even having internet access. And when you got
back online, you found that other people had taken over your project.
It's not something many people would be comfortable with. Since the IRTC
admin can't be contacted, no one can even ask if they would like someone
to take over for them for a while.

For a stand in competition, check the news://irtc.stills where there is
talk of another website that should keep us busy for the time being.

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From: Trevor G Quayle
Subject: Re: IRTC Status
Date: 13 Mar 2007 21:40:34
Message: <45f760a2$1@news.povray.org>
"Chris Cason" <del### [at] deletethistoopovrayorg> wrote in 
message news:45bf152b$1@news.povray.org...
> Folks,
> I've been getting a fair bit of mail about the status of the IRTC. I hope 
> to
> have some sort of indication of the direction for you to take within 24 
> hours
> of this post. For now, please just wait.
> -- Chris

I do find it unfortunate though that the current round can't be evaluated 
and completed in the very least.  Perhaps with the talk of the new 
competition, these entries can be ported to a closed round and given the 
attention they deserve for the people that took the time to work on them and 


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