On 3/10/25 22:36, Maetes wrote:
> On my blog I have uploaded some results that are quite impressive.
> Several images, some in stereo, and a video.
> More is in the works, publication maybe next week.
> Blog:
> https://www.maetes.com/en/astro/moon-renderings-first-results
Those look pretty good!
A long time ago - 20yrs maybe - I did a bunch of renders of the moon and
doubt any as were good as those you've posted. :-)
One thing I saw on your first post in this thread 'I think', but I
didn't mention is that you were not using any interpolation with your
image_map{} (people often us 2 or 3).
This can help smooth things out with isosurfaces using images for
offsets when your rendered image resolution nears the resolution of the
displacement image. At some magnification the limits of the actual image
information will show - and first away from the poles in a spherical image.
Blurring the image with an image processing tool an option too.
Blurring and interpolation come with the price of distortion, but more
or less we are always approximating things to some degree.
Bill P.
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