POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Making Patterns with functions : Re: Making Patterns with functions Server Time
17 Mar 2025 21:26:24 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Making Patterns with functions  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 25 Feb 2025 18:22:52
Message: <67be50cc@news.povray.org>
On 2/25/25 06:34, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Super.  Maybe you can help me understand why I always have to go through a NEW
> form of calisthenics when I cross zero.
> (and as you can see, the pattern function is dirt simple)

If you are working with an equation you wish to use as a pattern, and 
the value of y, say, crossing through 0.0 flips or changes the 
function's behavior, one must deal with it in some way.

In your particular function there is a flip in behavior due internal 
value changes away from zero and another due y changing sign.

Below a yuqk fork scene showing some typical ways for dealing with value 
transitions causing unwanted change with your function based pattern. 
Some work with official POV-Ray releases too. To reproduce your result, 
however, we might need to do something pretty close to what you did! I 
didn't try to exactly match your posted result.

     // Sample scene. 'yuqk y_cross_0.pov +w1024 +h768 +p +mv3.8'
     global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
     #declare VarOrthoMult =
     #declare Camera01z = camera {
         location <0,0,-2>
         direction z
         right VarOrthoMult*x*max(1,image_width/image_height)
         up VarOrthoMult*y*max(1,image_height/image_width)

     // 'odd()' is one of the fake keywords shipped with official
     // POV-Ray which the yuqk fork removed.
     #include "functions.inc"
     #include "munctions.inc"
     #local Dummy   = M_odd(0.5); // compiling F_odd()
     #local EvenOdd = M_odd(0);   // Later calls run F_odd internally
     #local EvenOdd = F_odd(2);   // = 0
     #local EvenOdd = F_odd(3);   // = 1

     #declare Formula1 = function { (y-sin(x))*(y-cos(x)) }

     // When y moving through zero flips results, it's typical to use
     // pattern value modifiers or similar inbuilt functions.

#if     (1)  // Call as FnY(0,y/2,0)
     #declare FnY = function {
         pattern { gradient y triangle_wave }
#elseif (0)  // Call as FnY(0,y/4,0)
     #declare FnY = function {
         pattern { gradient y function_interval triangle_wave }
#elseif (0)  // Call as FnY(0,y/2,0)
     #declare FnY = function {
#elseif (0)  // Call as FnY(0,y/4,0)
     #declare FnY = function {
     #error "Must pick a definition of function Fny()\n"

     #declare Formula2 = function {
         pattern {
             function { Formula1(x,y,z) }
             frequency 4
     #declare Formula3 = function { // Push y positive
     #declare FnLine = function {
         select(((Formula2(x,y,z)>-0.1) & (Formula2(x,y,z)<0.1)),
             0, 0, 1)

     plane { -z 0
         pigment {
           //function { Formula1(x,y,z) }
           //function { Formula1(x,FnY(0,y/2,0),z) }
           //function { Formula2(x,FnY(0,y/2,0),z) }
             function { FnLine(  x,FnY(0,y/2,0),z) }
           //function { Formula3(x,           y,z) }
             color_map {
                 [-2 rgb <1,0,0>]
                 [-0.01 rgb 0]
                 [+0.01 rgb 0]
                 [+2 rgb <0,1,0>]
         finish { emission 1 }
     camera { Camera01z }

#if (0)
     union {
         sphere {<0, 0,0> , 0.1 }
         sphere {<0,+1,0> , 0.1 }
         sphere {<0,+2,0> , 0.1 }
         sphere {<0,-1,0> , 0.1 }
         sphere {<0,-2,0> , 0.1 }
         pigment { rgb <1,0,0>} finish { emission 1 }

Image attached.

Bill P.

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