POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Manipulator arm design : Re: Manipulator arm design Server Time
29 Jul 2024 00:27:25 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Manipulator arm design  
From: David Wallace
Date: 18 Jul 2003 07:52:04
Message: <3f17df64@news.povray.org>
"Mike Williams" <mik### [at] econymdemoncouk> wrote in message
> Wasn't it David Wallace who wrote:
> >Well, what do you think?
> I think:
It works, but I think the hand has been partly screwed out of its socket.
Now for one of my arm applications: a table with three arms on it... with

// Table texture

#declare IsTest=0;
#declare colArm = texture {
 pigment { rgb <0.43, 0.46, 0.55> }
 #if (!IsTest)
  normal { average
   normal_map {
    [1.00 wrinkles 0.2 scale .03]
    [1.00 dents 0.3 scale .1]

// Arm Table

#declare atabHgt = 0.035;
#declare atabHgtB = atabHgt+0.015;
#declare atabThk = 0.005;
#declare atabRadL = 0.055;
#declare atabRadH = 0.075;
#declare atabRadC = atabRadL-atabThk;

#declare ataRadO = atabRadC-atabThk;
#declare ataRadI = ataRadO-atabThk;

#declare ataBase = union {
 difference {
  cone { 0, atabRadH, y*atabHgt, atabRadL }
  cylinder { y*atabThk, y*atabHgtB, atabRadC }
 cylinder { y*atabThk, y*atabHgtB, atabThk*2 }
 sphere { y*atabHgtB, ataRadI }

#macro atasLow(ht) difference {
 #local fg = ataRadI+atabThk;
 #local lp = (ataRadI+ataRadO)*0.5;
 union {
  cylinder { -y*fg, y*ht, ataRadO }
  torus { lp, atabThk translate -y*fg }
 box { <-1, -1.1, -1>, <1, -.0, 1> scale <atabRadH, fg, atabThk*.5> }
 cylinder { 0, -y*fg*1.1, ataRadI }
} #end

#macro atasHighB(ht, nf)
 #local fw = ataRadO*2/nf;
 #local fh = ataRadI/fw;
 #local rc = fw*0.5*(nf-2);
 #local hc = ht+ataRadI;
 #local ch = 0.30;
 #local th = 0.10;
 #local knob = union {
  cylinder { -x*rc, x*rc, fw }
  sphere { -x*rc, fw }
  sphere { x*rc, fw }
 union {
  difference {
   box { <-1, 0, -1>, 1 }
   cylinder { -y, y*ch, 1 scale <1, 1, th> translate -z }
   cylinder { -y, y*ch, 1 scale <1, 1, th> translate z }
   sphere { 0, 1 scale <1, ch, th> translate <0, ch,-1> }
   sphere { 0, 1 scale <1, ch, th> translate <0, ch, 1> }
   scale <rc, hc, fw>
  cylinder { 0, y*hc, fw translate x*rc }
  cylinder { 0, y*hc, fw translate -x*rc }
  object { knob }
  object { knob scale < 1, fh, 1> translate y*hc }
  scale < 1, 1, nf*.5>

#macro atasHighI(ht, nf) difference {
 #local fw = ataRadO/nf;
 atasHighB(ht, nf)
 #local ps = 1-nf;
 #while (ps<nf)
  box {
   <-1.0, 0,-1.1>, < 1.0, 2.1, 1.1> scale <fw, ataRadI, ataRadO>
   translate <ps*fw, ht, 0>
  #set ps = ps + 4;
} #end

#macro atasHighO(ht, nf) difference {
 #local fw = ataRadO/nf;
 atasHighB(ht, nf)
 #local ps = 3-nf;
 #while (ps<nf)
  box {
   <-1.0, 0,-1.1>, < 1.0, 2.1, 1.1> scale <fw, ataRadI, ataRadO>
   translate <ps*fw, ht, 0>
  #set ps = ps + 4;
} #end

#declare atasL = 0.16;
#declare atasH = 2*ataRadI+atasL;

#declare ataSectB = union {
 object { atasLow(atasL*.5) }
 object { atasHighO(atasL*.5,5) translate y*atasL*.5 }
 translate y*ataRadI

#declare ataSectM = union {
 object { atasHighI(atasL*.5,5) rotate x*180 }
 object { atasHighO(atasL*.5,5) }
 translate y*atasH*.5

#declare ataSectH = union {
 object { atasHighI(atasL*.5,5) rotate x*180 }
 object { atasHighO(atasL*.5,9) }
 translate y*atasH*.5

#macro ataHand(bend, len)
 #local cl = ataRadO/9;
 #local cr = ataRadI*0.3;
 #local lds = cr*2+len;
 #local bdy = cos(radians(bend*.5));
 #local bdx = sin(radians(bend*.5));
 #local lnd = <-cr*2*bdx, (lds+len)*bdy, 0>;
 #local hSect = union {
  torus { cr*2, cl rotate z*90 }
  cylinder { y*cr*2, y*lds, cl rotate x*bend }
  sphere { y*lds, cl rotate x*bend }
  cylinder { y*0, y*len, cl rotate x*-bend translate y*lds rotate x*bend }
  sphere { y*len, cl rotate x*-bend translate y*lds rotate x*bend }
  rotate -x*bend*.5
 #local vSect = cylinder {
  -x*cl*6, x*cl*2, cl
  translate y*len rotate -x*bend
  translate y*lds rotate x*bend*0.5
 union {
  difference {
   cylinder { -x*cl*7, x*cl*3, cr*2 }
   cylinder { -x*cl*5, x*cl*1, cr*3 }
   cylinder { -x*cl*8, x*cl*4, cr }
  object { hSect translate -x*cl*6 }
  object { hSect translate  x*cl*2 }
  object { vSect }

#declare ataHandL = object { ataHand(75, 0.05) }
#declare ataHandR = object { ataHand(75, 0.05) rotate y*180 }

#declare ataObjs = array[8] { ataBase, ataSectB, ataSectM, ataSectM,
ataSectM, ataSectH, ataHandL, ataHandR }
#declare ataLens = array[8] { atabHgtB, atasH, atasH, atasH, atasH, atasH,
0, 0 }
#declare atArmAng = array[1][3]
#declare atArmAng[0][0] = array[7] { <-40, 20,-35>, x*26, x*30 , x*28, x*33,
x* 5,-x*10 }
#declare atArmAng[0][1] = array[7] { < 10, 70,  5>, x* 6, x* 4 , x* 8, x*13,
x*10,-x*20 }
#declare atArmAng[0][2] = array[7] { <- 3,-90,-15>, x*10, x* 8 , x*14, x*11,
x*15,-x*30 }
#declare ataMoves = array[7]

#macro ManipArm(Objects, Lengths, Joints, Moves)
 #local aSiz = dimension_size(Joints,1);
 #debug concat(str(aSiz,0,0), " objects.\n")
 #local ps = 0;
 #while (ps<aSiz)
  #local rt = ps;
  #declare Moves[ps] = transform {
   #while (rt>=0)
    rotate Joints[rt]
    translate y*Lengths[rt]
    #local rt = rt - 1;
  #local ps = ps + 1;
 union {
  #set ps = 0;
  object { Objects[ps] }
  #while (ps<aSiz)
   #local ps = ps + 1;
   object { Objects[ps] transform { Moves[ps-1] } }

#macro atArm(obn, arn) object { ManipArm(ataObjs, ataLens,
atArmAng[obn][arn], ataMoves) } #end

#declare atlgTop = otswRad+otsgWid;

#declare atgArm = union {
 cylinder { 0, y*otswRad, otsgRadT translate z*otsgWid }
 cylinder { 0, y*otswRad, otsgRadT translate -z*otsgWid }
 //cylinder { z*otsgWid,-z*otsgWid, otsgRadT translate y*(otswRad+otsgWid) }
 object {
  SectorY( torus { otsgWid, otsgRadT }, 180 )
  rotate <0, 90, 90>
  translate y*otswRad
 sphere { y*atlgTop, otswRadC }

#declare atlGuard = union {
 ObjRound ( atgArm, z*90, z*-45, 5 )
 sphere { z*otsgWid, otswRadC }
 sphere { -z*otsgWid, otswRadC }
 cylinder { z*otsgWid,-z*otsgWid, otswRadC }
 object {
  SectorY( torus { atlgTop, otsgRadT }, 180 )
  rotate -x*90

#declare atlHgt = 1.0;
#declare atlHgtW = 0.02;
#declare atlInset = 0.3;
#declare atlWid = 0.05;
#declare atlThk = 0.05;
#declare atlShift = otswRad+otswRadT;
#declare atlbShift = atlShift+otswRad+otsgWid+atlHgtW;

#declare atlBow = difference {
 #local r1 = <atlInset-atlThk, atlHgt*0.5, atlWid+atlThk>;
 #local r2 = r1+<atlThk, atlThk,-atlThk>;
 cylinder { -z, z, 1 scale r2 }
 cylinder { -z, z, 1 scale r1 }
 plane { y, -atlHgt*0.5 }
 plane { y, -atlHgt*0.5 rotate x*180 }
 plane { -x, 0 }
 translate x*atlThk*1.25

#declare atlBody = union {
 object { atlBow }
 box { -.5, .5 scale <atlThk*2.5, atlHgt*0.1, atlWid*2> translate
y*atlHgt*.55 }
 box { -.5, .5 scale <atlThk*2.5, atlHgt*0.1, atlWid*2>
translate -y*atlHgt*.55 }
 translate y*atlHgt*0.6

#declare atRad = 0.40;

#declare atLeg = union {
 object { atlBody translate y*atlbShift }
 object { otsWheel translate y*atlShift }
 object { atlGuard translate y*atlShift }
 cylinder { -y*atlHgtW, y*atlHgtW, otsgRadT translate y*atlbShift }
 translate x*atRad

#declare attThk = 0.01;
#declare attAlt = atlbShift+atlHgt*1.2+attThk;
#declare attRad = atRad*1.2;

#declare atTop = union {
 cylinder { 0, -y*attThk, attRad-attThk }
 torus { attRad-attThk, attThk }
 torus { attRad*.5-attThk, attThk*2 scale <1, 2, 1> translate y*attThk*3 }
 translate y*attAlt

#declare ataPos = attRad*0.7;

#macro ArmTable(obn) union {
 ObjRound( atLeg, y*0, y*120, 3 )
 torus { atRad, atlThk*.6 translate y*(atlbShift+atlHgt*.05) }
 torus { atRad-atlInset+atlThk*1.75, atlThk*.6 translate
y*(atlbShift+atlHgt*0.60) }
 torus { atRad, atlThk*.6 translate y*(atlbShift+atlHgt*1.15) }
 object { atTop }
 object { atArm( obn, 0 ) translate <ataPos, attAlt, 0> rotate y* 60 }
 object { atArm( obn, 1 ) translate <ataPos, attAlt, 0> rotate y*-60 }
 object { atArm( obn, 2 ) translate <ataPos, attAlt, 0> rotate y*180 }
 texture { colArm }
} #end

light_source { <10,  50, -15>, 2.0
 fade_distance 23
 fade_power 1.3
light_source { <.3, -1.1,  1>, rgb <0, 0, 1> }
camera { location <-1.7,  2.0,-1.60> look_at <-0.0, 1.3, 0.0> }
object { ArmTable(0) }

My textures employ a custom version of metals.inc that I adapted to use
macros and metallic reflection.

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