POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : False-colour IR imagine... : Re: False-colour IR imagine... Server Time
18 Mar 2025 15:22:37 EDT (-0400)
  Re: False-colour IR imagine...  
From: nospam
Date: 24 Feb 2003 20:16:53
Message: <3e5ab9fd.2266792@localhost>
On Sat, 15 Feb 2003 11:25:41 -0000, "Andrew Coppin"
<orp### [at] btinternetcom> wrote:

>Actually, I was wondering if POV-Ray itself can be perswaded to do the
>trick. Any ideas folks?

Declare your picture as a pigment.  Use that pigment
in a new function declaration.

Now for the actual pigment, use your function
(x, y, z).gray and then code your own color map.

pigment {
  function { my_function(x, y, z).gray }
  color_map {
    [ 0 color rgb 0 ]  // black
    [ 1/3 color rgb <1, 0, 0> ] // red
    [ 2/3 color rgb <1, 0.5, 0> ] // yellow
    [ 1 color rgb 0 ]  // white

Fun.  :)

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