i was just playing around with radiocity on a nice lil image and it's
supposed ot have nice smooth gold and such but i end up with weird hot
spots and the gold looks like it's a poorly compressed jpg!!! this is
cool but not what i want :) you can see the nifty image which has a
neeto animation option i'll show every one later after i get it fixed
can you help me with fixing this? excuse my messy hose head code it
looks worse the lower the trace level
global_settings { max_trace_level 4000 radiosity {
error_bound 1
distance_maximum 3
#include "all.inc"
camera {
location <0,0,-12>
look_at <0,0,0>
light_source{<0,0,-15> color rgb <0.95,0.95,0.95,>fade_distance 5
fade_power 0.25}
// textures ----------------------------------------------
#declare Metal1 = texture {
pigment {color rgb <1,0.843,0>}
finish {phong 0.3 specular 0.4 reflection 0.2 roughness 0.35}
#declare Wire1 = texture {
pigment {color rgb <0.291,0.291,0.299>}
finish {phong 0.3 specular 0.4 roughness 0.35 reflection 0.4}
texture {Wire1}
scale <7.25,1.15,1>
translate y*0
box {
texture {Wire1}
#declare LED = texture {
pigment {color rgb <0.6,0,0> transmit 0.3}
finish {phong 0.7 reflection 0.4 }//ambient 0.6}
sphere {<-5.5,0,0>, 0.95
texture {Wire1}}
sphere {<5.5,0,0>, 0.95
texture {Wire1}}
#declare pipe1 = cylinder {<-5.5,1.25,0> <-5.5,-1.25,0> 0.5 texture
object{pipe1 translate x*0}
object{pipe1 translate x*1}
object{pipe1 translate x*2}
object{pipe1 translate x*3}
object{pipe1 translate x*4}
object{pipe1 translate x*5}
object{pipe1 translate x*6}
object{pipe1 translate x*7}
object{pipe1 translate x*8}
object{pipe1 translate x*9}
object{pipe1 translate x*10}
object{pipe1 translate x*11}
texture {Metal1}
rotate z*90
translate x*5.5
texture {Metal1}
rotate z*90
translate x*-5.5
#declare hpipe = cylinder {<-5.5,1.25,0> <5.5,1.25,0> 0.2 texture
#declare hpipe2 = cylinder {<-5.5,-1.25,0> <5.5,-1.25,0> 0.2 texture
object {hpipe rotate x*0}
object {hpipe rotate x*-45}
object {hpipe rotate x*180}
object {hpipe rotate x*-135}
#declare tr = torus{1.5,0.2
texture {LED}
rotate z*90
translate x*5.5
#declare tl = torus{1.5,0.2
texture {LED}
rotate z*90
translate x*-5.5
//light_source{<5.5,0,-1.51> color rgb <0.55,0,0,>
looks_like{tr}fade_distance 3 fade_power 0.65}
//light_source{<-5.5,0,-1.51> color rgb <0.55,0,0,>
looks_like{tl}fade_distance 3 fade_power 0.65}
texture {LED}
rotate z*90
translate x*5.5
texture {LED}
rotate z*90
translate x*-5.5
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