POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Creating Spheres of Triangles : Re: Creating Spheres of Triangles Server Time
4 Nov 2024 19:19:15 EST (-0500)
  Re: Creating Spheres of Triangles  
From: Lance Birch
Date: 1 Jul 1999 20:59:47
Message: <377c0f03@news.povray.org>
>: I wan't to construct an Sphere out of triangles ,( i know the standard
>: POV-Sphere is faster and better and
>: so on, but i need a trianglesphere ), does anybody know of resources, or
>: an tutorial by him self
>: for doing that. it should be possible to say, how complex the sphere
>: be, and it should
>: NOT look like an globe, best would be an sphere out of evenly sized
>: triangles.
>  Distributing objects evenly on the surface of a sphere is a non-trivial
>  If making a earth-looking globe (with latitude and longitude lines) is
>enough, that's pretty easy with povray (you need some math, though).

But the triangles won't be the same sizes right?

If you really want to do it perfectly you can use a geosphere with a
geodesic base type of a 20-sided icosahedron.  The facets are all equally
sized equilateral triangles.  From there the sphere can be divided into any
number of segments based on multiples and divisions of the 20 faces.


Alternatively you could try a polyhedron base type like a tetrahedron or
octahedron (all of which can be made as spacial spherical subdivisions) but
these won't look as even as the icosahedron will.

If you want I can post an example of such an object.


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