POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : the new array function : Re: the new array function Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:06:30 EST (-0500)
  Re: the new array function  
From: Ron Parker
Date: 30 Jun 1999 16:00:00
Message: <377a7740@news.povray.org>
On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 12:25:31 -0700, Ken wrote:
>Stewart #7 wrote:
>>   Will the new  array  function (latest pov release) allow you
>> to define an array of ANY size...say 30 by 200 ?
>>   Also...is there a tutorial which deals mostly with this function?
>> thanks, stu7
>I believe it it limited to a maximum of 5 x n in the format of

Why should that be?  You're not limited to a single-dimensional
array, you know.  Consider this example, from the docs:

  #declare Rows=5; #declare Cols=4;
  #declare Table=array[Rows][Cols]

Here are the real limits on arrays, gleaned from the source code:
  - An array may have a maximum of five dimensions.
  - All of the elements in an array must be of the same type.
  - Each dimension may be as large as needed, but the product of the sizes must 
    be no greater than the size of a signed int on your architecture.  For most 
    current architectures, this is something like 2 billion, so you'll probably 
    run out of either time or memory first.

This information is also in the documentation for arrays, except for the maximum
size (probably because it's so ridiculously huge as to not bear mentioning.)

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