In article <3d52fdea@news.povray.org>, Pandora
<pan### [at] pandora-software com> wrote:
> 2. I'm rubbish at math. Actually not rubbish, but I'm probably gonna
> find coming up with suitable isosurfaces a headache, at best.
I feel your pain. I spent the entire day messing around with an
isosurface brick with vertical ridges and some noise to make it
I've realised a few things whilst working through things:
1) everything you know is wrong.
2) experimentation is as good as knowing math ;)
My method is a bit sloppy, and the rendering is slow, but it's a great
brick. I even made an unevenly-troweled wall out of them. they look so
keep on plugging, don't give up ;)
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