POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Need help with rand/seed : Re: Need help with rand/seed Server Time
20 Feb 2025 14:07:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: Need help with rand/seed  
From: CreeD
Date: 13 Jul 2000 17:36:06
Message: <01bfed13$18efe640$1a1ba1d0@mk>
Thanks to both who replied.

Chris -
Sorry to sound overly whiny about the documentation.  Please don't take my
comments on it personally if you had a hand in creating it.  I don't have
any particular aversion to programming terms, and I'm sure I'll pick them
up over time (or be forced to actively seek to learn them).  

	Still, I feel that the latter bit of writing that you insist is only
'different, but not better' than the documentation -IS- better.  If the
documentation is being done well, it balances 
A.The need to get the point across clearly and concisely and 
B: The writer's need to sleep.
	I'm not a dumb guy.  The way you explained in your most recent post got
through and the way it was explained in the documentation didn't.  That
tells me one is better than the other, even if I couldn't absolutely prove
it (or even put out a halfway decent argument as to why).  
  To answer your question -
if I were writing it, I'd say that seed exists only for the user to provide
POV with his own truly random starting point, and from that point POV
always extracts a random number between 0 and 1 <italics> regardless of the
seed number </italics>. 
	 Then I'd point out  (as you did), that to get random numbers larger than
1 requires addition or multiplication of the number POV returns.  I'd also
stress (as you did) that with identical conditions, the number produced is
always the same. 
Maybe these three points hit home immediately for everyone else but me -

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