POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Need help with rand/seed : Re: Need help with rand/seed Server Time
27 Mar 2025 20:58:39 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Need help with rand/seed  
From: CreeD
Date: 13 Jul 2000 16:10:38
Message: <01bfed07$27644560$1a1ba1d0@mk>
> I know the difficulties of manual writing form own experience, you should
> try to learn some of those programming terms.  IMO, these phrases are
much more
> helpful for understanding certain functions, than any effort to describe
> in more common words.  

And here I was getting my hopes up that someone was going to answer my

You're probably right, but really, if you can be EXACTLY as clear with
fewer and easier words, why wouldn't you? You make it sound like this was
written by programmers, for programmers. It's not. I should be able to
learn with 0 previous programming experience from the windows help file.  
	I understand that there's a ton of work involved writing this stuff (I
printed out the 200+ page doc) and I know that taking another 30 characters
to clarify each little point would make the thing even longer, but look how
much space has been wasted on this thread (with my primary question still
unanswered).  That could have been easily avoided if the authors had said
"this means such and such", or if the help file had an entry for random
numbers under 'random' or even 'seed' rather than 'float'.   

So anyway.  RantRant.  Why do the randomized X points in my SOR shift back
and forth irregularly, but never seem to leave a certain boundary no matter
what kind of number I plug in after seed()?

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