POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : image map crash - how to fix/avoid? : Re: image map crash - how to fix/avoid? Server Time
27 Mar 2025 20:52:15 EDT (-0400)
  Re: image map crash - how to fix/avoid?  
From: CreeD
Date: 13 Jul 2000 11:24:29
Message: <01bfecdf$2dc65ce0$1a1ba1d0@mk>
> I tried mapping an image to a sphere and then using
> filter all .9 to make it transparent.  It didn't make it transparent.
> If I go highter than .9, it crashes POV consistently.
> How can I get the effect I want?
> (this ties into my other question about projecting light through layered
> textures onto
> a screen)

So transmit isn't helping, and it's still crashing.  I guess I'll wait
until the next version?

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