POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : How to get a projector effect? : How to get a projector effect? Server Time
27 Mar 2025 20:55:25 EDT (-0400)
  How to get a projector effect?  
From: CreeD
Date: 12 Jul 2000 18:54:23
Message: <01bfec54$e34c4e20$a213a1d0@mk>
Hi, I was wondering how to accomplish this.
I have a sphere with a funky layered texture.  What I want to do is make
layered texture semi transparent, and then project light through it from
to a white plane below.
I've tried making it transparent by tweaking the color maps' filter
and that doesn't work.  I ended up using a texture_map average with
pigment {rgbf <1,1,1,1>} and that sort of gets the job done, but now my
colors are washed out and no matter how bright my light is, the projected
colors are dull.

Is there a way to get a realistic projector effect in regular or megaPOV? 
like projecting light through a slide and onto a white movie screen?
Can I make the plane pick up colors better?

Or maybe a better question is how do I take my funky bozo/marble/crackle
sphere and make it semi-transparent the way I want, with full colors?

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