POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : How to make a decent carpet texture? : How to make a decent carpet texture? Server Time
28 Mar 2025 06:56:15 EDT (-0400)
  How to make a decent carpet texture?  
From: CreeD
Date: 19 Jun 2000 12:53:09
Message: <01bfda0f$97a068a0$601ba1d0@mk>
I've been having trouble making something carpet-y.  I want one that's good
enough to withstand having a camera a foot or two away.  I don't want to do
one with crand or bumps because it just doesn't look right.  Any idea? 
Incidentally, the type of carpet is industrial strength grey with a short
nap meant to withstand heavy wear.  That's probably easier to do than shag.
Thanks in advance,

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