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#default {DEFAULT_ITEM }
Maybe this ought to include
possibly others
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On 2/22/25 17:26, Bald Eagle wrote:
> #default {DEFAULT_ITEM }
IIRC supported too is a radiosity{} setting - importance I think - and a
default camera{} can be set. The documentation isn't up to date.
> Maybe this ought to include
> interior_texture
> ior
> possibly others
Others have suggested interior{} be made available. I believe because an
ior setting of other than the defaulted 1.0 value is necessary for many
of the new to v3.8 albedo / finish{} level fresnel features to work as
implemented / intended.
FWIW. The plan with yuqk is to eliminate the 'default' directive /
keyword altogether(***). There are a number of issues with it. My belief
is version defaults need to be fixed for other downstream features to
work reliably. I know, it's handy and many of us use the feature.
With ior the long term plan for yuqk is to implement two ior settings.
One in finish{} (*) which would be the surface ior and the other ior
still in the interior{} block which would be used for ray traveling
within object effects. After which, the interior{} blocks would resume
being optionally attached to objects where in v3.8 / V3.7? they always
exist (**).
(*) - One can specify an ior in the finish{} block today in official
POV-Ray releases due an effort to maintain backward compatibility. IIRC,
a warning is issued. The yuqk code has a start on the new finish { ior
} capability, but it's not completely implemented. The default finish {
ior value } value will be 1.5 - so the new v3.8 finish{} features would
be set up to work correctly without need to change ior settings.
(**) - I have some guesses, but I'm unsure exactly why we ended up with
interior{} blocks always attached to objects.
(***) - As clipka used to point out, 'default{}' (like
global_settings{}) isn't really a language directive, but a keyword
driven block. These should be specified without the leading '#', but
official releases of POV-Ray continue to support the old syntax.
The following code was used for the attached images:
#version 3.8;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
default { finish {ior 1.5 emission 1.0} camera {} }
sphere { <0,0,2> 0.5 pigment { rgbt <1,0,0,0.9> } hollow }
plane { y, -5 pigment { checker } }
The top row comes from today's v3.8 beta 2, where the right column added
'+mv3.8' to fix a v3.8 defaulting issue (see below).
On the bottom row is yuqk's current result (+mv3.8 not being required as
yuqk correctly handles the camera{} defaulting).
With yuqk the finish{ ior 1.5 } is partly implemented so it doesn't set
the interior{} block's ior as do official releases. In other words we
see no refraction in the yuqk result from the finish {ior 1.5} setting.
Bill P.
Aside: The camera{} defaulting is tangled with the default{} block and
#version setting and it's partly broken in v3.8. One must specify +mv3.8
(or use an ini setting for the version) to get the intended v3.8 camera
defaulting. Ah, probably adding camera{} at the very bottom of the scene
file would work as a user fix too - it was an ordering / timing bug.
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William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> (***) - As clipka used to point out, 'default{}' (like
> global_settings{}) isn't really a language directive, but a keyword
> driven block. These should be specified without the leading '#', but
> official releases of POV-Ray continue to support the old syntax.
I didn't know that a #default could be used without the leading #, at least in
the v3.8 betas. Interesting.
> Aside: The camera{} defaulting is tangled with the default{} block and
> #version setting and it's partly broken in v3.8. One must specify +mv3.8
> (or use an ini setting for the version) to get the intended v3.8 camera
> defaulting. Ah, probably adding camera{} at the very bottom of the scene
> file would work as a user fix too - it was an ordering / timing bug.
Yes, specifying an empty camera{} does correct the v3.8 'broken' camera default,
just like adding +mv3.8. And apparently, it can go anywhere in the scene.
Although, I can't say that I understand *why* it works. When there is NO
specified camera in the scene (thus a 'default' camera being used), it should be
the same 'default' entity as the empty camera{} statement (?)...yet the two
behave differently.
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William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> The top row comes from today's v3.8 beta 2, where the right column added
> '+mv3.8' to fix a v3.8 defaulting issue (see below).
So, your ellipsoid there reminded me:
Philip Laven pointed out that due to the conditions that give rise to the glory
effect, the rainbow is virtually never circular.
I tried scaling the rainbow {} "object" but as I expected, that didn't work.
I had to scale the camera, which means that to do it properly / realistically,
then everything in the scene needs to be enclosed in a union {}, the camera
scaled, and the union scaled with the inverse of the camera transform.
Currently, we can scale and otherwise transform the pigment of a sky_sphere:
It's unclear if something can be done with how the rainbow {} effect gets
I'm unsure if any other sorts of optical effects are direction-vector
controlled, (aoi? slope?) but allowing transforms on rainbow {} (and maybe even
sky_sphere) might be interesting for future optical projects or artistic effects
that are difficult or impossible to achieve otherwise.
- BW
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On 2/25/25 09:22, Bald Eagle wrote:
> It's unclear if something can be done with how the rainbow {} effect gets
> implemented.
> I'm unsure if any other sorts of optical effects are direction-vector
> controlled, (aoi? slope?) but allowing transforms on rainbow {} (and maybe even
> sky_sphere) might be interesting for future optical projects or artistic effects
> that are difficult or impossible to achieve otherwise.
The sky_shpere{} isn't a real thing so there is nothing to transform.
Whacking the pigment{} is it given the set up.
The rainbow{} feature was deleted from the yuqk{} fork. It's little
used, and has internal issues I didn't want to fix. Partly too, the
current code in official releases is implemented in a way which adds
overhead all the time to all renders(*).
For yuqk, if I get back to taking up looking at rainbow / glory effects
I want to start fresh. My bet is there are ways to fake some or all of
the effects (One idea is multiple color fog{}s and invisible shapes),
but I've not spent any time trying.
Bill P.
(*) - The fog{} feature adds constant overhead too, but it's much more
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