On 2/25/25 09:22, Bald Eagle wrote:
> It's unclear if something can be done with how the rainbow {} effect gets
> implemented.
> I'm unsure if any other sorts of optical effects are direction-vector
> controlled, (aoi? slope?) but allowing transforms on rainbow {} (and maybe even
> sky_sphere) might be interesting for future optical projects or artistic effects
> that are difficult or impossible to achieve otherwise.
The sky_shpere{} isn't a real thing so there is nothing to transform.
Whacking the pigment{} is it given the set up.
The rainbow{} feature was deleted from the yuqk{} fork. It's little
used, and has internal issues I didn't want to fix. Partly too, the
current code in official releases is implemented in a way which adds
overhead all the time to all renders(*).
For yuqk, if I get back to taking up looking at rainbow / glory effects
I want to start fresh. My bet is there are ways to fake some or all of
the effects (One idea is multiple color fog{}s and invisible shapes),
but I've not spent any time trying.
Bill P.
(*) - The fog{} feature adds constant overhead too, but it's much more
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