POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.pov4.discussion.general : Suggest v4.0 default items : Re: Suggest v4.0 default items Server Time
14 Mar 2025 08:05:47 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Suggest v4.0 default items  
From: Kenneth
Date: 25 Feb 2025 06:35:00
Message: <web.67bdaa17a9ec1634e83955656e066e29@news.povray.org>
William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:

> (***) - As clipka used to point out, 'default{}' (like
> global_settings{})  isn't really a language directive, but a keyword
> driven block. These should be specified without the leading '#', but
> official releases of POV-Ray continue to support the old syntax.

I didn't know that a #default could be used without the leading #, at least in
the v3.8 betas. Interesting.
> Aside: The camera{} defaulting is tangled with the default{} block and
> #version setting and it's partly broken in v3.8. One must specify +mv3.8
> (or use an ini setting for the version) to get the intended v3.8 camera
> defaulting. Ah, probably adding camera{} at the very bottom of the scene
> file would work as a user fix too - it was an ordering / timing bug.

Yes, specifying an empty camera{} does correct the v3.8 'broken' camera default,
just like adding +mv3.8. And apparently, it can go anywhere in the scene.

Although, I can't say that I understand *why* it works.  When there is NO
specified camera in the scene (thus a 'default' camera being used), it should be
the same 'default' entity as the empty  camera{} statement (?)...yet the two
behave differently.

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