POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : OpenGL wireframe preview patch available Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:16:34 EST (-0500)
  OpenGL wireframe preview patch available (Message 21 to 24 of 24)  
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From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: OpenGL patch update (June 16/2003)
Date: 16 Jun 2003 16:44:23
Message: <3eee2c27@news.povray.org>

>   I said "wireframe" but was really talking about any type of OpenGL
> preview, be it wireframe or shaded triangles or whatever.
>   And besides, a wireframed still image may look very cluttered, but
> when the camera is moved, it helps visualizing objects a lot.

My experience with wireframe / shaded triangles in Rhino is mostly that
wireframe is a real time modeling tool, but that when you really want to
know where your objects are, the only good way is the shaded OpenGL preview.
When you've got a lot of stuff on screen, which is after all the point of
making whole scenes, the wireframe are useless. In the scenes I've tested,
the screen was simply black with wireframe lines, and I don't think that
moving the camera would have helped seeing anything. It only starts to make
sense if you can organise objects by layers and turn them on and off easily,
but eventually, it's the shaded preview that tells you if you're on the
right track or not.


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From: Ray Gardener
Subject: Re: OpenGL patch update (June 16/2003)
Date: 16 Jun 2003 17:42:06
Message: <3eee39ae$1@news.povray.org>
> ... In the scenes I've tested,
> the screen was simply black with wireframe lines, and I don't think that
> moving the camera would have helped seeing anything.

The point is well taken. The OpenGL stuff for me
is more about potential than specific uses.
The wireframing stuff (even the whole preview stuff)
may be a bust, but I have a feeling that there's
other things worth enabling (even if I'm not sure
what those things are right now).

It might wind up purely as a debugging aid for
adding primitives, for all I know, because it's
good at showing an object's bounding box -- you
can see if the bbox is too large or too small,
if it's transforming right, etc.


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From: Ray Gardener
Subject: OpenGL CSG examples
Date: 21 Jun 2003 04:51:31
Message: <3ef41c93$1@news.povray.org>
Here are some images that show the results of implementing
the recursive CSG scanline drawing algorithm mentioned a
few days ago:


Ray Gardener
Daylon Graphics Ltd.
"Heightfield modeling perfected"

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From: Ray Gardener
Subject: OpenGL patch update (June 29/2003)
Date: 29 Jun 2003 03:59:21
Message: <3efe9c59@news.povray.org>
OpenGL perspective camera accuracy just about perfect; OpenGL output
 registers with raytraced imagery almost pixel-for-pixel. If you
render something like scenes/advanced/newltpot/teapot2.pov it
feels like watching a 3D modeler go into raytracing; the
register is spot on.

Solid scanline rendering mode available too (spheres only for now).


Ray Gardener
Daylon Graphics Ltd.
"Heightfield modeling perfected"

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