#macro Box(Point1, Point2, Width, Height, Rotation)
#local Len = vlength(Point2-Point1);
#local Dir = vnormalize(Point2-Point1);
{ <-Width/2, 0, -Height/2>, <Width/2, Len, Height/2>
rotate y*Rotation
#local VY=vcross(Dir,y);
#local VY=vnormalize(VY);
#local VZ1=vcross(VY,y);
#local VZ2=vcross(VY,Dir);
matrix < 0, VY.x, VZ1.x,
1, VY.y, VZ1.y,
0, VY.z, VZ1.z,
0, 0, 0 >
matrix < Dir.x, Dir.y, Dir.z,
VY.x, VY.y, VY.z,
VZ2.x, VZ2.y, VZ2.z,
0, 0, 0 >
translate Point1
#macro N(D,I)#if(I<6)cylinder{M()#local D[I]=div(D[I],104);M().5,2pigment{
rgb M()}}N(D,(D[I]>99?I:I+1))#end#end#macro M()<mod(D[I],13)-6,mod(div(D[I
],13),8)-3,10>#end blob{N(array[6]{11117333955,
7382340,3358,3900569407,970,4254934330},0)}// - Warp -
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SrP### [at] ricosweb com (Rich) wrote in
> Warp <war### [at] tag povray org> wrote in <3b1a9fc8@news.povray.org>:
>> #macro Box(Point1, Point2, Width, Height, Rotation)
> Excellent, thank you VERY much! I'm trying it out now.
Unfortunately, most of the boxes are rotated incorrectly along their length,
depending on the angle between the points I'm assuming. Here is a sample
scene showing what I mean:
camera {
location <0.0, 3.0, -6.000001>
//location <0.0, 10.0, -0.000001>
direction 1.5*z
right 4/3*x
look_at <0.0, 2.0, 0.0>
light_source { <-3, 30, -3> color rgb 1.5 }
#macro Wall(Point1, Point2, Width, Height, Rotation)
#local Len = vlength(Point2-Point1);
#local Dir = vnormalize(Point2-Point1);
{ <-Width/2, 0, 0>, <Width/2, Len, Height>
rotate y*Rotation
#local VY=vcross(Dir,y);
#local VY=vnormalize(VY);
#local VZ1=vcross(VY,y);
#local VZ2=vcross(VY,Dir);
matrix < 0, VY.x, VZ1.x,
1, VY.y, VZ1.y,
0, VY.z, VZ1.z,
0, 0, 0 >
matrix < Dir.x, Dir.y, Dir.z,
VY.x, VY.y, VY.z,
VZ2.x, VZ2.y, VZ2.z,
0, 0, 0 >
pigment { color rgb .5 }
translate Point1
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map { [0.0 color blue 0.6] [1.0 color rgb 1] }
#declare Tower = cylinder { <0,0,0>, <0,.2,0>, .1 pigment { color rgb .5 } translate
<0,2,0> }
#declare H = 0.15;
#declare W = 0.15;
object { Tower translate <-1.94, 0,-0.44> }
Wall(<-1.94, 2.0,-0.44>, <-2.05, 2.0,-0.20>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-2.05, 0,-0.20> }
Wall(<-2.05, 2.0,-0.20>, <-1.65, 2.0, 0.70>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-1.65, 0, 0.70> }
Wall(<-1.65, 2.0, 0.70>, <-1.72, 2.0, 1.13>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-1.72, 0, 1.13> }
Wall(<-1.72, 2.0, 1.13>, <-1.10, 2.0, 1.37>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-1.10, 0, 1.37> }
Wall(<-1.10, 2.0, 1.37>, <-0.20, 2.0, 1.38>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-0.20, 0, 1.38> }
Wall(<-0.20, 2.0, 1.38>, < 0.30, 2.0, 1.20>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate < 0.30, 0, 1.20> }
Wall(< 0.30, 2.0, 1.20>, < 0.92, 2.0, 1.41>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate < 0.92, 0, 1.41> }
Wall(< 0.92, 2.0, 1.41>, < 1.32, 2.0, 1.25>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate < 1.32, 0, 1.25> }
Wall(< 1.32, 2.0, 1.25>, < 1.90, 2.0, 1.35>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate < 1.90, 0, 1.35> }
Wall(< 1.90, 2.0, 1.35>, < 1.95, 2.0, 0.68>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate < 1.95, 0, 0.68> }
Wall(< 1.95, 2.0, 0.68>, < 1.32, 2.0, 0.10>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate < 1.32, 0, 0.10> }
Wall(< 1.32, 2.0, 0.10>, < 0.90, 2.0, 0.15>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate < 0.90, 0, 0.15> }
Wall(< 0.90, 2.0, 0.15>, < 0.21, 2.0,-0.50>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate < 0.21, 0,-0.50> }
Wall(< 0.21, 2.0,-0.50>, <-0.15, 2.0,-0.55>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-0.15, 0,-0.55> }
Wall(<-0.15, 2.0,-0.55>, <-0.55, 2.0,-1.09>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-0.55, 0,-1.09> }
Wall(<-0.55, 2.0,-1.09>, <-0.85, 2.0,-1.00>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-0.85, 0,-1.00> }
Wall(<-0.85, 2.0,-1.00>, <-1.10, 2.0,-0.45>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-1.10, 0,-0.45> }
Wall(<-1.10, 2.0,-0.45>, <-1.45, 2.0,-0.30>,W, H, 0)
object { Tower translate <-1.45, 0,-0.30> }
Wall(<-1.45, 2.0,-0.30>, <-1.94, 2.0,-0.44>,W, H, 0)
Rich Allen
(Remove SPAM from my address to reply by e-mail)
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