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Hi all,
Well I have finally updated my website and mainly the POV-Ray section. I've
added links to some code that I use in my scenes (i.e Isosurface Water and
Media Clouds) and am hoping to get some code to some of the models I am
curently working on up soon (when I finish the pics that they are in). If
you want to see it go to http://perso.libertysurf.co.uk/kevin.ellis under
The 'My Interests' Section.
Please look around and tell me what is missing, one thing that is missing is
a link to http://www.povray.co.uk which I just realised and will add
So what do you think?
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Kevin Ellis wrote:
> Please look around and tell me...
In Nescape most of the text appears as black on dark blue rendering it
virtually impossible to read.
Ken Tyler
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Kevin Ellis wrote:
> Hi all,
> Well I have finally updated my website and mainly the POV-Ray section. I've
> added links to some code that I use in my scenes (i.e Isosurface Water and
> Media Clouds) and am hoping to get some code to some of the models I am
> curently working on up soon (when I finish the pics that they are in). If
> you want to see it go to http://perso.libertysurf.co.uk/kevin.ellis under
> The 'My Interests' Section.
None of the images load in Netscape.
I will also add a very AOLian "Me too" to Ken's comment.
Francois Labreque | The surest sign of the existence of extra-
flabreque | terrestrial intelligence is that they never
@ | bothered to come down here and visit us!
videotron.ca | - Calvin
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Francois Labreque wrote:
> Kevin Ellis wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Well I have finally updated my website and mainly the POV-Ray section. I've
> > added links to some code that I use in my scenes (i.e Isosurface Water and
> > Media Clouds) and am hoping to get some code to some of the models I am
> > curently working on up soon (when I finish the pics that they are in). If
> > you want to see it go to http://perso.libertysurf.co.uk/kevin.ellis under
> > The 'My Interests' Section.
> None of the images load in Netscape.
Let me rephrase that: "None of the demo-scenes from (mega)POV(ray) load
in Netscape". After a looksie at the source, I think it's due to the
fact that the path is using backslashes '\' rather than forward slashes
Francois Labreque | The surest sign of the existence of extra-
flabreque | terrestrial intelligence is that they never
@ | bothered to come down here and visit us!
videotron.ca | - Calvin
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Ken wrote:
> In Nescape most of the text appears as black on dark blue rendering it
> virtually impossible to read.
Indeed. Turning on javascript didn't help either. URLs like this:
are not exactly standard :) (in the pov page)
Kari Kivisalo http://www.kivisalo.net
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Oops sorry.
Well I fixed the back-slashes to forward-slashes, which should help with the
images. I think the black text problem is my fault and caused by me
forgetting to put the body standard stuff in after I had changed to Style
Sheets, does Netscape not support Style sheets?
Oh well looks like I had better do some editing.
Sorry again, but I have added the link to povray.co.uk, so I'm not all bad,
honest :)
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Kevin Ellis wrote:
> Oops sorry.
> Well I fixed the back-slashes to forward-slashes, which should help with the
> images. I think the black text problem is my fault and caused by me
> forgetting to put the body standard stuff in after I had changed to Style
> Sheets, does Netscape not support Style sheets?
It's still black text on blue background here in Netscape, even with style
sheets enabled.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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Anyone have any idea why and how to fix it? I personally haven't got a clue.
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Kevin Ellis wrote:
> Anyone have any idea why and how to fix it? I personally haven't got a clue.
I don't know much about style sheets, but i suppose you use some IE
specific and/or CSS 2.0 features. Tried it in IE 3 :-) and the color was
better while the font size was extremely small.
maybe http://www.w3.org/Style/ can help.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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In article <3ab8025a@news.povray.org>, Kevin Ellis says...
> Hi all,
> Well I have finally updated my website and mainly the POV-Ray section. I've
> added links to some code that I use in my scenes (i.e Isosurface Water and
> Media Clouds) and am hoping to get some code to some of the models I am
> curently working on up soon (when I finish the pics that they are in). If
> you want to see it go to http://perso.libertysurf.co.uk/kevin.ellis under
> The 'My Interests' Section.
> Please look around and tell me what is missing, one thing that is missing is
> a link to http://www.povray.co.uk which I just realised and will add
> tomorrow-ish.
> So what do you think?
After all the less than positive critiques I want to tell you that it
just looks great in IE5! Nice coloring, nicely readable texts and the
images stand out fine. It's clearly made and checked for and in IE,
then, judging the other comments. Off-hand I have no idea what could be
wrong, but someone else is bound to help you out, I hope :-)
Regards, Sander
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