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Does anyone have any tips, suggestions or pointers towards getting a
translucent effect in pov? (This is not to be confused with
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On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 18:01:26 -0400, Abe wrote:
>Does anyone have any tips, suggestions or pointers towards getting a
>translucent effect in pov? (This is not to be confused with
You can cheat with some objects, such as bicubic patches, that allow
illumination from both sides. I think MegaPOV lets you turn on that
functionality for any object with the double_illuminate keyword.
If that doesn't do what you want, your only alternative is a dense
scattering media. The down side to that, of course, is that it might
be a bit slow.
#macro R(L P)sphere{L F}cylinder{L P F}#end#macro P(V)merge{R(z+a z)R(-z a-z)R(a
-z-z-z a+z)torus{1F clipped_by{plane{a 0}}}translate V}#end#macro Z(a F T)merge{
P(z+a)P(z-a)R(-z-z-x a)pigment{rgbf 1}hollow interior{media{emission 3-T}}}#end
Z(-x-x.2x)camera{location z*-10rotate x*90normal{bumps.02scale.05}}
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Abe <bul### [at] taconic net> wrote in message
> Does anyone have any tips, suggestions or pointers towards getting a
> translucent effect in pov? (This is not to be confused with
> transparency.)
I used the following pigment for frost on a window. It looked ok from a
pigment {
scale 0.0001
color_map {
[0.0 Clear]
// [0.9 White]
[1.0 White]
* gsh### [at] monotix co za * Step into the abyss, *
* http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~gail/ * and let go. Babylon 5 *
* The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer *
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You could consider looking at PovMan by Vahur Krouverk:
it allows you to define your own shading models and procedural
pigments.(very versitile)
Abe wrote:
> Does anyone have any tips, suggestions or pointers towards getting a
> translucent effect in pov? (This is not to be confused with
> transparency.)
> Abe
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Wasn't it Abe who wrote:
>Does anyone have any tips, suggestions or pointers towards getting a
>translucent effect in pov? (This is not to be confused with
You might consider something like
pigment {rgbt <1,1,1,0.7>}
normal {bozo scale <1,1,10>*0.001}
interior {ior 1.3}
This is intended to be viewed from along the z axis, so the normals are
scaled higher in the z direction than they are in the x and y
Depending on the exact effect you're after, you may want to tweak some
of those numbers. Increasing the ior increases the scattering. Changing
the pigment to {rgbt <1.5,1.5,1.5,0.7>} can look convincing in some
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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