Please confirm that following scene produces a wrong rendering with povray 3.1 (I
used pvmpov3.1e for linux). The 'f' and 't' of the pigment just are ignored when
the triangle is put into the mesh (if it is outside everything is correct).
Please confirm that this is a bug so that I can report it to povray.bugreports.
- Micha
// begin code
location <0,4,-4>
look_at <0,1,0>
light_source{<-10,50,0> color 1 }
#declare TT=texture{pigment{rgbf <1,.5,.5,0.7>}} //or 'rgbt'
triangle{ <-1,1,-1>,<1,2,0>,<0,1.5,1> texture{TT} }
plane{y,0 pigment{rgb 1} }
// end code
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> No probs here (POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows)
whoops, I was wrong... The triangle get rendered correctly, but the shadow
is incorrect when the triangle is inside the mesh... Everything seems to be
allright if it's outside the mesh.
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Oh, yes sorry.. I forgot to mention that only the shadow is incorrect.
Zeger Knaepen wrote:
> > No probs here (POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows)
> whoops, I was wrong... The triangle get rendered correctly, but the shadow
> is incorrect when the triangle is inside the mesh... Everything seems to be
> allright if it's outside the mesh.
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