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From: Remco Poelstra
Subject: Bug when animating the angle of the camera
Date: 21 Jun 2000 11:59:36
Message: <39513B4A.849565A7@home.nl>
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I was reading the povray html manual about the camera for translating
effects. I read about the angle. Viewing angles bigger than 360 degrees
should give special fx, so I thought let's try. I use the standard
camera. The viewing angle had to be smaller than 180 degrees. Perhaps
this could be set in the manual?
I pulled it on 179 and added a clock, to see the differences, between
no angle and full angle.
Povray then seg faults when creating the vista light buffers.
I'm using Povray for Linux version 3.1g.linux.gcc.
A core is dumped, if anyone needs it, I can mail it.
Remco Poelstra
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In article <39513B4A.849565A7@home.nl>, Remco Poelstra
<rjp### [at] home nl> wrote:
> I was reading the povray html manual about the camera for translating
> effects. I read about the angle. Viewing angles bigger than 360 degrees
> should give special fx, so I thought let's try. I use the standard
> camera. The viewing angle had to be smaller than 180 degrees. Perhaps
> this could be set in the manual?
It *is* in the manual:
4.4.2 Types of Projection
If none is specified, the perspective camera is the default.
Perspective projection:
... The viewing angle has to be larger than 0 degrees and smaller than
180 degrees.
(severely clipped to save space)
> I pulled it on 179 and added a clock, to see the differences, between
> no angle and full angle.
> Povray then seg faults when creating the vista light buffers.
Does this happen without using clock? Have you tried using #debug to
make sure your angle value is within the 0-180 range?
Christopher James Huff - Personal e-mail: chr### [at] mac com
TAG(Technical Assistance Group) e-mail: chr### [at] tag povray org
Personal Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
TAG Web page: http://tag.povray.org/
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From: Remco Poelstra
Subject: Re: Bug when animating the angle of the camera
Date: 21 Jun 2000 15:26:07
Message: <39516BB2.2CEFDCD2@home.nl>
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Chris Huff wrote:
> Perspective projection:
> ... The viewing angle has to be larger than 0 degrees and smaller than
> 180 degrees.
> (severely clipped to save space)
I looked at the angle page of the camera, there it was not specified.
But you are right.
> > I pulled it on 179 and added a clock, to see the differences, between
> > no angle and full angle.
> > Povray then seg faults when creating the vista light buffers.
> Does this happen without using clock? Have you tried using #debug to
> make sure your angle value is within the 0-180 range?
Without clock everything is fine.
Well, it's a bit my error. When multiplexing angle with clock, the first
value is 0.
But I think povray should give a message if such an error is made (like
when you specify an angle >= 180) and not seg fault.
Remco Poelstra
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