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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> yes, I appreciate that. hence the idea that there should be two distinct
> frontend (prisms and pulleys) macros, utilising the existing more or less as
> they are.
Nope, just need to add one more bit to find a tangent between a point and a
> wrt moving parts, my guess is that the "trick" will be working with (and from
> the perspective of?) the full length of the rope/cable, since it needs to look
> reasonably realistic when animated.
Seems like Leroy worked most of that out already.
If you could get this to work with that...
:) :) :)
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> hi,
> sorry, am getting .. lost in translation. :-) is this the same library as
> available on the link below? if yes, which file(s)?
> ...
> nice site, thanks. I looked at the lego library posted here, recently, but
> found that to be in .. a not-useful state. the one from the Dutch site is much
> better, even has documentation!
I started with the links to the older version of the library posted by Melody;
Subject: LEGO Library Date: 10 Nov 2019 21:15:01
This older library is for Version 3.1 but contains 4/5 example LEGO models. Out
Of Date - but looked very interesting so I disappeared down the LEGO rabbit
hole. I could be here for some time ....
The new version at the Dutch site is Version 3.7, has changed partnames and
colours, and includes radiosity, for example. Also it contains 4/5 different
examples. E.G. 04551_Crocodile_Engine. 'povray crocodile_engine' invokes the
'crocodile_engine.ini' just fine, output is tga. (Note: edit the pov file to
switch off radiosity or lose the will to live).
Switch to one of the earlier examples (6338_hurricane_harbour) and that's when I
hit the Command Line problem on 3.8: The 6338.ini/6338.pov files cant be called
successfully unless it's 'povray +I6338.pov', which ignores the .ini file
Now,the old examples use parts/colours that aren't in the new library and
materials include files, and so will fail to parse anyway. (But I've then
started to edit the model files to use the new partnames/colours and it's nearly
working ...)
My point is that the Command Line call is failing to behave as expected.
Anyway, I'll continue to dig while I'm down this hole.
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"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> > yes, I appreciate that. hence the idea that there should be two distinct
> > frontend (prisms and pulleys) macros, utilising the existing more or less as
> > they are.
> Nope, just need to add one more bit to find a tangent between a point and a
> circle.
> ...
> > wrt moving parts, my guess is that the "trick" will be working with (and from
> > the perspective of?) the full length of the rope/cable, since it needs to look
> > reasonably realistic when animated.
> Seems like Leroy worked most of that out already.
yes! hoping, at some point, to get a look at his code.
> If you could get this to work with that...
> ...
> :) :) :)
need to find time to look at those links. (not this week though. bought a new
2nd hand machine today, to be used for POV-Ray, pretty much exclusively. :-))
regards, jr.
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"greytery" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> > hi,
> > sorry, am getting .. lost in translation. :-) is this the same library as
> > available on the link below? if yes, which file(s)?
> > ...
> > nice site, thanks. I looked at the lego library posted here, recently, but
> > found that to be in .. a not-useful state. the one from the Dutch site is much
> > better, even has documentation!
> >
> I started with the links to the older version of the library posted by Melody;
> Subject: LEGO Library Date: 10 Nov 2019 21:15:01
> This older library is for Version 3.1 but contains 4/5 example LEGO models. Out
> Of Date - but looked very interesting so I disappeared down the LEGO rabbit
> hole. I could be here for some time ....
> The new version at the Dutch site is Version 3.7, has changed partnames and
> colours, and includes radiosity, for example. Also it contains 4/5 different
> examples. E.G. 04551_Crocodile_Engine. 'povray crocodile_engine' invokes the
> 'crocodile_engine.ini' just fine, output is tga. (Note: edit the pov file to
> switch off radiosity or lose the will to live).
right. the "new" version is all I have here.
had to change definition and use of 'grey' in 'material.lib' to 'grey1' to avoid
the keyword name clash, but works ok from then. the formatting of some files
too is weird -- all content in a single line!
you're not wrong on radiosity. have now set 'quality=8' in the 'povray.ini'.
> Switch to one of the earlier examples (6338_hurricane_harbour) and that's when I
> hit the Command Line problem on 3.8: The 6338.ini/6338.pov files cant be called
> successfully unless it's 'povray +I6338.pov', which ignores the .ini file
> anyway.
so, the new version only has 4551, 6482, and 6923 samples. the Dutch site says
'6338' source "not yet available".
> ...
> My point is that the Command Line call is failing to behave as expected.
if you still have unmodified copies of 6338, would you mind posting? I do want
to have a look (next week).
regards, jr.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> hi,
> if you still have unmodified copies of 6338, would you mind posting? I do want
> to have a look (next week).
Best 'unmodified copies' are at Melody's 2nd posting with the
attachment"more_lego.zip" ... see:
got to dash - UK election news starts in 5 mins - will be up all night!
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"greytery" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> > if you still have unmodified copies of 6338, would you mind posting? I do want
> > to have a look (next week).
ok, had a quick first look at 6338. problems with (a) renamed components (eg
"ffblock2_2" is now "tile2x2". there are quite a few others) in 6338.{mac,pov},
and (b) names of materials (eg there's no "red_tex" but a "bright_red_tex"
exists); also, one or two instances where macro #arguments do not match up.
</sigh> will have a closer look in the coming week.
> got to dash - UK election news starts in 5 mins - will be up all night!
was it .. worth it? ;-)
regards, jr.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> hi,
OK OK OK. 'FIXED'. Stand Down. As you were ...
The problem is with the .ini files in each of the OLD examples, e.g. 6338.ini.
These were generated by Version 3.1. I've 'fixed' that by copying one of the
NEW ini, e.g. crocodile_engine.ini, and replacing the OLD .ini file - changing
the 'Input_File_Name=' of course. Once done they ALL behave themselves as
normal. Just what the real underlying problem is - not sure - probably low level
file format handling, unix/windows, blah, blah. Whatever.
They are now producing some smashing .tga scenes and much fun will follow.
> ok, had a quick first look at 6338. problems with (a) renamed components (eg
> "ffblock2_2" is now "tile2x2". there are quite a few others) in 6338.{mac,pov},
> and (b) names of materials (eg there's no "red_tex" but a "bright_red_tex"
> exists); also, one or two instances where macro #arguments do not match up.
> </sigh> will have a closer look in the coming week.
Yep. I 'fixed' the renaming issue for these OLD models with a "renamed.mac"
file, which contains about 120 lines like :
#macro f_block1_12(color_tex,age) plate1x12(color_tex,age) #end
Then in each of the OLD .pov files, #include "renamed.mac", and it flies.
The color issues - at the moment I've edited the NEW material.lib to contain the
OLD colors / textures, but it would be better to include the missing colors in
the "renamed.mac" file.
Another problem is with material_map. I found I had to remove 'interpolate 4'
from these OLD macros, otherwise the transfers are smudged.
If you want I can post that .mac file here, but I think we should get Anton
involved because the files all have his Copyright.
> > got to dash - UK election news starts in 5 mins - will be up all night!
> was it .. worth it? ;-)
Don't like watching grown men cry. But it takes all the satisfaction out of
Voting if you have to hold your nose and keep your eyes shut when you put your
cross in the box.
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"greytery" <gre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> ...
> Yep. I 'fixed' the renaming issue for these OLD models with a "renamed.mac"
> file, which contains about 120 lines like :
> #macro f_block1_12(color_tex,age) plate1x12(color_tex,age) #end
> Then in each of the OLD .pov files, #include "renamed.mac", and it flies.
> The color issues - at the moment I've edited the NEW material.lib to contain the
> OLD colors / textures, but it would be better to include the missing colors in
> the "renamed.mac" file.
> Another problem is with material_map. I found I had to remove 'interpolate 4'
> from these OLD macros, otherwise the transfers are smudged.
thanks for info.
> If you want I can post that .mac file here, but I think we should get Anton
> involved because the files all have his Copyright.
good idea. I've not seen an email address in the files yet, so, if you have it,
perhaps he can be persuaded to join in, here?
> > > got to dash - UK election news starts in 5 mins - will be up all night!
> > was it .. worth it? ;-)
> Don't like watching grown men cry. But it takes all the satisfaction out of
> Voting if you have to hold your nose and keep your eyes shut when you put your
> cross in the box.
like DB, I was surprised by the scale, 365 seats! (incredible..) alas, that
post appears to have .. disappeared.
regards, jr.
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The OLD .ini files contain the option 'Radiosity=On' and the new files DONT.
The .ini file is correctly read, but when hitting this option, the failure is:
'Failed to parse command-line option'.
Simply commenting out this option in the OLD .ini files means the command line
"povray inifilename" works exactly as expected.
This option was changed in Version 3.7 AFAIK - and the OLD files specifically
state Version 3.1 (Doh!).
So, maybe a case of backwards incompatibility? This is downgraded to a moan:
Could the 'Failed to parse ...' message be a bit more helpful?
Got loads of ideas for further use of this library, and will post as and when..
> > If you want I can post that .mac file here, but I think we should get Anton
> > involved because the files all have his Copyright.
> good idea. I've not seen an email address in the files yet, so, if you have it,
> perhaps he can be persuaded to join in, here?
Have left a message on his website: www.virtualbricks.nl
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"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> Sound as disparaging as you want. I have an ex-wife. You'd need to struggle to
> register on that logarithmic scale. ;) :D
OK. : )
I know why. A whole world of ex-wifes ...
I cant get the ringing out of my head.
It's Tommy Lee, Professor of Darkness, telling off the Heretic Preacher,
"The shadow of the ax hangs over every joy, every ..."
sooner or later, futility.
"And if that pain were actually collective instead of simply reiterative then
the sheer weight of it would drag the world from the walls of the universe and
send it crashing and burning through whatever night it might yet be capable of
engendering until it was not even ash."
It's destroying mine, and they point fingers and say, "See what you've created."
I say, you see the impact of others yet?
Is Tommy still here?
Always ends the same? that has to be arrogance.
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