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"Gilles Tran" <gitran_nospam_@wanadoo.fr> wrote in message
> One major reason for the lack of exceptional pieces may have been
that the
> time period of two and a half months was too short. POVCOMP is of an
> of magnitude harder than the IRTC,
That's how I looked at it, and consequently, I put my all into
it. The funny thing is that after I failed to submit, I didn't feel
disappointed, I was pleased enough with my image to override that and
was looking forward to the next PoVComp.
Anyway, I digress, what I really wanted to say is thank you for
the update Gilles, I feel that it was the right move, and a very
generous decision indeed by the PoV Team. Thanks.
> Gilles Tran
> --
> **********************
> http://www.oyonale.com
> **********************
> - Graphic experiments
> - POV-Ray and Poser computer images
> - Posters
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> So basically lousy planning gets rewarded.
I wouldn't call this "lousy planning". Participating in such a competition
requires the sort of commitment that few people can afford, particularly
those who have full-time jobs and families (see the "married folks" thread
in p.off-topic). If one misses an evening of rendering because of some
kid-related emergency, we can't blame lousy planning.
Oh, well, we can assume that the "lousy planners" would have been lousy too
with a 6-month period ;-) With POV-Ray, resources (time, RAM) always end up
being consumed in totality, no matter how much one has at the beginning.
- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
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Gilles Tran wrote:
> ...If one misses an evening of rendering because of some
> kid-related emergency, we can't blame lousy planning.
But Daaaad! Hello Kitty just announced their fall line of fashions on the
Fascist Spam Network! My pinks don't coordinate any more!! We have to go to
the mall _right_now_!!!
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rben <ray### [at] comcast net> wrote:
> Being told that the sum of the efforts that were
> submitted was not good enough for you to award a prize is a slap in the
> face to all of us. This doesn't encourage me to provide you with a better
> work, this makes me reluctant to continue to participate.
> Personally, I feel that you should award the prizes and organize a new
> contest if you feel that you didn't get what you wanted from this one.
I'm not talking officially as a TAG member, so this is a completely
unofficial remark - and pardon my french but, would you just shut up?
Your thinking is just ... simple (I have a really strong urge to write
a much stronger expression here, and it requires lots of strength to
refrain from doing so.)
The team organized a really big competition and got sponsors to join
with huge prices, all in good faith, and when they realize they made
a miscalculation and want to remedy it, they only get idiotic responses
from people like you.
"Organize a new contest"... Haha! Do you think AMD and Zazzle will be
pleased and willing to sponsor regularly competitions with enormous prices
but with hastily developed entries? Who will give the prices next? You?
If people need time to create superb images, that's what they should get.
Comments like yours are only going to cause the team to not to organize
anything like this anymore. And I'm not just talking here, I'm serious.
The team should get our gratitude from organizing such big events,
not reprimands.
You simply don't know what you are talking about, so please just shut
up, will you?
plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}// - Warp -
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Here are my thoughts:
In a way I am quite glad that the deadline has been relaxed. It means I will
have enough time to sort out my lighting and improve on my scene. On the
other hand I have very little time now the summer is over and I will
actually not be able to spend much more time on it. The deadline being so
close inspired me to do a lot of work and now I have until january I am not
sure I will be able to motivate myself to go through the code again. Once I
finish a project like this I tend to want to stay far away from it so
having two deadlines in that sense is bad. I had also been looking forward
to seeing some beautiful images pretty soon. Guess I'll have to wait.
I do not think the pictures should be posted or even looked at by the
judeges now. If this happens, people will build up negative comments about
the pictures which, even if the cause of the problem is fixed in the final
submission, will cause the final judging to be predudiced.
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Gilles Tran wrote:
> message de news: 417ae63d$1@news.povray.org...
>>Can I carry on with this scene and submit it when it
>>is finished, or have I revealed too much about it ?
> Yes (my opinion at least). The judging is "blind" (at least according the
> current rules, which may or may not change), but since most of the judges
> won't be familiar with the POV-Ray community, I wouldn't call this a matter
> of concern. When it comes to art, anonymity is always relative, otherwise
> there wouldn't be something called "style".
I see. Thank you for your opinion.
Btw. I'm very happy about the new deadline !
Tor Olav
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Jeremy M. Praay wrote:
> "Tor Olav Kristensen" <tor### [at] TOBEREMOVEDgmail com> wrote in message
> news:417ae63d$1@news.povray.org...
>>As some of you know, I planned to participate...
> <snip>
>>Can I carry on with this scene and submit it when it
>>is finished, or have I revealed too much about it ?
> While I can't provide you with an official response, I can remind you of
> Chris Cason's response regarding anonymity:
> "Please be aware that a significant proportion of the judges will not be
> folks who tend to hang around this server. This is intentional. Some will
> have no connection to POV-Ray at all.
Yes now I remember.
> "Also they will not see the registration list or anything of the sort prior
> to their votes being cast."
> To me, that sounds like you're free to continue, and if any judges recognize
> the work as yours, well, that's bound to happen in some cases, regardless.
> Additionally, I would guess that 3 months from now, most people will have
> forgotten what you just said, and would probably not connect anything to
> your picture(s).
You and Gilles are probably right Jeremy, so I'll just continue my work.
> Another option for you might be to work on something very similar, in order
> to utilize some of what you've created. Just a thought.
I'll do that too if I have enough time, which is very unlikely...
Tor Olav
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Phlip wrote:
> Tor Olav Kristensen wrote:
>>As some of you know, I planned to participate in this
>>competition with an Escher-like scene.
>>Now I wonder:
>>Can I carry on with this scene and submit it when it
>>is finished, or have I revealed too much about it ?
> An Escher-like scene ... ?
> Hey, that sounds like a good idea!!!
> (Does that answer your question?;)
Hehe - yes. And I get your point.
(But it wouldn't bother me much if other people were
to submit Escher-like renderings too.)
Tor Olav
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>But for this, we have to provide strict rules concerning the size of the
>detail images: experience shows that not giving precise rules always means
>big trouble, so we would have ended up making them anyway.
Example: in my image, there's a car i've modelled. I've put much details in
1- the car takes a big part of the image: there's nothing more to show,
there's no more details, you won't see more things if i give you a detailed
image, but if i must provide one, i'll just provide an near-empty image.
2-the car in very small in the whole image: if i want to provide the 1/25th
of the image, i'll have to show the things that aren't needed to be shown
around the car. But I want to show you the car, not the things around that
will waste cpu time. In that case i'll have to make a BIG picture to show
its details, and so some rendering time will be wasted.
Because it's a long and hard work, just by asking at least two detailed
images, we'll show where we have gone into details, we don't need rules to
show what we can do. And the judges don't need a specifically sized view to
see where the artist has gone into details.
I can't see what you get from the rules on these detailed views. What do you
loose if i give a 1/40th view instead of a 1/10th? Can't i just show my
Maybe you don't have to put precise rules, but only the aim of it, why you
need theses.
>Personally I still don't think that the detail rules are so complicated:
>it's just a simple ratio, and nothing that could possibly scare an
>experienced POV-Ray user who's playing with complex CSG, isosurfaces
> and the like!
Well, just try one thing: make an image where a sphere takes 80% of the
image and show me a detailed view according to these rules. Now do the same
thing with a tiny sphere that takes 2% of the picture. Pretty hard to do,
> But it's true that some people found them confusing, and
> indeed, if people have a better way to express them, please do so.
No rules at all! yeah! :))
>> And why can't the entries be modified once submitted? I may want to submit
>> it once to be sure to participate, and to modify it as long as i still
>> have time.
>I'm not sure of what you mean by "to be sure to participate". Participation
>is defined by the registration.
"to have one entry"
Example: I submit my image, and then i'm sure that that even if i don't
modify it, even if i fell sick, the judges will see it, but i still can
easily modify it if i want, anytime. Instead, here, you have to: 1-
complete it 2- submit it 3- no 3, you can't modify, you just delete it and
restart the process (i haven't spent much time on that, though).
>No, it's just that all of us are a little spoiled by the very relaxed rules
>of the IRTC, and by the fact that we don't have experienced 3D pros
> walking among us. Just have a look at other 3D competitions or sites
> like Raph.com to see what I mean. As I said, the bar has been raised
> very high these days, and I mean *** high ***. See for instance:
In those competitions, there are pros who compete to get a name in order to
find a job...
And most of povray community is made of hobbyists.
And, as it's written on the homepage of povcomp, it's not professionnaly
used for its artistic side.
>we want to give more POV-Ray users the opportunity to create
> truly exceptional work.
This sentence has to be on the homepage of povcomp!
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Gilles, I can imagine how the sponsors would feel with so many prices and so
little participants.....
Maybe non-pov users might be interested in participating and trying pov-ray.
If someone managed to use POV-Ray as a renderer with maya or a package like
that........ that would be interesting!
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