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Hi all, I modeled this basic eye shape in Silo today. I wanted to try for a
realistic look, building it at least *close* to accurate by using a separate
cornea w/pupil (just a flattened torus) actually set inside the bulge where the
lens would be.
I used an image_pattern to transition the transparent lens area around the
cornea into a solid eye texture on the eyeball itself. After a quick
fully-textured render I thought I'd have a go at doing a full close-up face shot
(since I'm trying to get better at UV mapping/texturing).
I remember admiring the close-up eye renders in a 3dRender.com lighting
challenge a few years ago so I went and found it online and grabbed the OBJ file
(http://www.3drender.com/challenges/). I brought it into Silo and deleted the
existing eye, inserted my eye, OBJ to PoseRay to Mesh2, and ended up with this
after about 6 hours of fiddling about with texturing and lighting and rendering
and gamma pre-correction of my UV maps and re-rendering (and thanks for the
gamma mini-tutorial yesterday Clipka and Alain, big help!).
No SSLT here, just a couple of layered textures using image_patterns to control
specular and reflection on the various areas.
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> Hi all, I modeled this basic eye shape in Silo today. I wanted to try for a
> realistic look, building it at least *close* to accurate by using a separate
> cornea w/pupil (just a flattened torus) actually set inside the bulge where the
> lens would be.
> I used an image_pattern to transition the transparent lens area around the
> cornea into a solid eye texture on the eyeball itself. After a quick
> fully-textured render I thought I'd have a go at doing a full close-up face shot
> (since I'm trying to get better at UV mapping/texturing).
> I remember admiring the close-up eye renders in a 3dRender.com lighting
> challenge a few years ago so I went and found it online and grabbed the OBJ file
> (http://www.3drender.com/challenges/). I brought it into Silo and deleted the
> existing eye, inserted my eye, OBJ to PoseRay to Mesh2, and ended up with this
> after about 6 hours of fiddling about with texturing and lighting and rendering
> and gamma pre-correction of my UV maps and re-rendering (and thanks for the
> gamma mini-tutorial yesterday Clipka and Alain, big help!).
> No SSLT here, just a couple of layered textures using image_patterns to control
> specular and reflection on the various areas.
> Cheers,
> Rob
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Are you sure you did not post a photo by error? ;)
Only thing , it looks to me that the blod vessels are somewhat to
present, or to numerous.
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Robert McGregor wrote:
> Hi all, I modeled this basic eye shape in Silo today. I wanted to try for
I knew Pov was good, but that's a professional looking image that I'd
usually expect to see coming from Maya / PR Renderman or something... -well
Stefan Viljoen
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Alain <aze### [at] qwerty org> wrote:
> Are you sure you did not post a photo by error? ;)
> Only thing , it looks to me that the blod vessels are somewhat to
> present, or to numerous.
Heh, yes I agree - looks like she's been up all night and is now seeing the
Actually, the blood vessels gave me some trouble. In the end I used the roots of
a weed pulled from my garden and photographed against a concrete floor. I
tweaked them a lot in PhotoShop and ended up with a spherical projection.
Here's the code for the eye texture (and accompanying maps: top is the iris
mask, next is color, next is bump, iris [of course] on the bottom).
#include "eye.inc"
#declare Eye = object {Eye translate <0,-1,-0.076621>}
#declare T_Eye = texture {
#if (Ambient_Occlusion)
image_pattern { png "cornea_mask.png" interpolate 2 map_type 1 }
texture_map {
[0 pigment {Clear}
normal {
bump_map {png "eyeball_map_bump.png" interpolate 2 map_type 1 }
bump_size 0.25
finish { reflection {0.1, 0.35 fresnel} conserve_energy
specular 1 roughness 0.001 brilliance 1
pigment {
image_map { png "eyeball_map.png" interpolate 2 map_type 1 }
normal {
bump_map { png "eyeball_map_bump.png" interpolate 2 map_type 1 }
bump_size 0.25
finish { reflection {0.1, 0.35 fresnel} conserve_energy
specular 1 roughness 0.001 brilliance 1
rotate x*90
rotate -z*90
#declare T_Iris = texture {
torus { 1, 0.5
rotate x*90
scale z*0.2
texture {
#if (Ambient_Occlusion)
pigment {
image_map { png "Iris.png" interpolate 2 map_type 0 once }
translate -0.5
normal {
bump_map { png "Iris.png" interpolate 2 map_type 0 once }
translate -0.5 bump_size 1
finish { specular 0.2 roughness 0.02 }
scale 3.1
object { Eye
scale 0.7
texture { T_Eye }
interior { ior 1.33 }
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Preview of image 'eyemaps.png'

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Stefan Viljoen <spa### [at] polard com> wrote:
> A M A Z I N G
> I knew Pov was good, but that's a professional looking image that I'd
> usually expect to see coming from Maya / PR Renderman or something... -well
> done-!
Thanks Stefan, I'm trying :)
I find that most CG people underestimate the power of POV. When I exhibit my
prints at art festivals, galleries, etc, someone "in-the-know" will invariably
come and ask me something like, "So which did you use for these - Maya or 3d
Studio Max?"
"Neither, they're all done with POV-Ray" I'll reply.
A blank stare of disbelief often follows, as if they're waiting for the punch
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"Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineart com> schreef in bericht
> Stefan Viljoen <spa### [at] polard com> wrote:
>> A M A Z I N G
>> I knew Pov was good, but that's a professional looking image that I'd
>> usually expect to see coming from Maya / PR Renderman or
>> something... -well
>> done-!
> Thanks Stefan, I'm trying :)
> I find that most CG people underestimate the power of POV. When I exhibit
> my
> prints at art festivals, galleries, etc, someone "in-the-know" will
> invariably
> come and ask me something like, "So which did you use for these - Maya or
> 3d
> Studio Max?"
> "Neither, they're all done with POV-Ray" I'll reply.
> A blank stare of disbelief often follows, as if they're waiting for the
> punch
> line.
LOL! Excellent! Both your work and your real world tale.
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very good, except the skin around the eyelids look like plastic. Also,
too much veins for my liking. Quit smoking, dude... :)
a game sig: http://tinyurl.com/d3rxz9
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Looks fantastic!
The only change I'd make to the eyeball is to the sclera - it's not smooth like
the surface of the cornea, but a bit bumpy instead. It shows up in the
reflection of the environment.
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nemesis <nam### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> very good, except the skin around the eyelids look like plastic. Also,
> too much veins for my liking. Quit smoking, dude... :)
LOL, well she's apparently been up all night drinking and maybe smoking too, and
who knows what else. It's no wonder she's looking a overly bleary-eyed and
plasticine (especially without any SSS).
Seriously, point taken, I'll see what I can do to fix it :)
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