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  AL walking, stopping and turning - Final (Message 28 to 37 of 37)  
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From: Rune
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 5 Jan 2002 19:30:20
Message: <3c379a9c@news.povray.org>
"Jan Walzer" wrote:
> Wow ... extremely nice ...

Thank you! :)

> but now: Nitpicking ! *g

The best part!

> have you seen closely the feets in the frames 160-170 ?
> when he turns, it seems, that the inner foot moves into
> the outer one ... at least it seemes so ...

That's probably right. I hadn't seen that. Hmm, now to find out how to avoid

3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World:    http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Jan 2)
POV-Ray Users:   http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk

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From: JRG
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 5 Jan 2002 19:52:41
Message: <3c379fd9@news.povray.org>
Rune wrote:
> > when he turns, it seems, that the inner foot moves into
> > the outer one ... at least it seemes so ...
> That's probably right. I hadn't seen that. Hmm, now to find out how to avoid
> that...

Making the feet 100 units distant from each other should do the trick.
Don't bother to thank me.

#local j=text{ttf"arial""JRG".2,0}#local J=0;#while(J<10)#local R=0;#while
(R<2)#local G=0;#while(G<1)#if(inside(j<R,G.1>))object{j scale.025translate
<R-1G-J/20J/-40+2>pigment{rgb<9J>}}#debug"O"#else#debug" "#end#local G=G+
.025;#end#local R=R+.05;#debug"\n"#end#local J=J+1;#end// JRG

Home: http://digilander.iol.it/jrgpov  //New: Kitchen scene WIP

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From: Jan Walzer
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 6 Jan 2002 16:28:47
Message: <3c38c18f@news.povray.org>
"Rune" <run### [at] mobilixnetdk> wrote:
> "Jan Walzer" wrote:
> > Wow ... extremely nice ...
> Thank you! :)

no problem ...

> > but now: Nitpicking ! *g
> The best part!

of course ...

> > have you seen closely the feets in the frames 160-170 ?
> >
> > when he turns, it seems, that the inner foot moves into
> > the outer one ... at least it seemes so ...
> That's probably right. I hadn't seen that. Hmm, now to find out how to
> that...

Hmmm ... How 'bout constructing Al as a Particlesystem ...
 - _many_ small blobs ...
 - _many_ forces between these particles ...
 - these particles forming the body of Al ...
 - and: ..... Particlecollission-detection ..... *tataaa* ?

"Somehow what you suggest is like suggesting to add drills \ jan### [at] lzernet
to cars so you can drill for oil when you run out of fuel.  \
Sure you could do it, but it might not be the most practical >          Jan
solution." [Thorsten Froehlich in p.u.p]                    /        Walzer

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From: Rune
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 6 Jan 2002 18:21:13
Message: <3c38dbe9@news.povray.org>
"Jan Walzer" wrote:
> Hmmm ... How 'bout constructing Al as a Particlesystem ...
> with:
>  - _many_ small blobs ...
>  - _many_ forces between these particles ...
>  - these particles forming the body of Al ...
>  - and: ..... Particlecollission-detection ..... *tataaa* ?

Hmm, not such a bad suggestion, especially since I already have a particle
system which I could, with some minor modifications, adapt do be able to
handle that. I'll get started right away!

A bonus will be that the particle system can then also be used to simulate
rotating gears and other mechanical components with collision detection. It
will require quite some particles though...

3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World:    http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Jan 2)
POV-Ray Users:   http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk

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From: Rune
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 6 Jan 2002 18:25:12
Message: <3c38dcd8@news.povray.org>
After some work on the project, it appears that the particle system would
also be suited to model non-moving things like kitchen-inventory, landscapes
and medium-sized wall mirrors.

3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
Rune's World:    http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Jan 2)
POV-Ray Users:   http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk

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From: Jan Walzer
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 7 Jan 2002 07:57:01
Message: <3c399b1d$1@news.povray.org>
You have access to a fast computer ?

"Somehow what you suggest is like suggesting to add drills \ jan### [at] lzernet
to cars so you can drill for oil when you run out of fuel.  \
Sure you could do it, but it might not be the most practical >          Jan
solution." [Thorsten Froehlich in p.u.p]                    /        Walzer

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From: John D  Gwinner
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 7 Jan 2002 22:46:23
Message: <3c3a6b8f$1@news.povray.org>
That's how God did it .. but his computer is pretty big ...

I mean, look how many particles are in my finger!

                  == John ==

"Jan Walzer" <jan### [at] lzernet> wrote in message
> You have access to a fast computer ?
> --
> "Somehow what you suggest is like suggesting to add drills \
jan### [at] lzernet
> to cars so you can drill for oil when you run out of fuel.  \
> Sure you could do it, but it might not be the most practical >
> solution." [Thorsten Froehlich in p.u.p]                    /

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From: John D  Gwinner
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final 2
Date: 7 Jan 2002 22:51:43
Message: <3c3a6ccf$1@news.povray.org>
I guess someone has to ask - going to post the source? <G>


                  == John ==

"Rune" <run### [at] mobilixnetdk> wrote in message
> I've slightly changed the animation. Nothing big - I haven't yet been able
> to make that short step longer - but a few minor changes.
> I've made AL chew a gum as Dave suggested, I've made a slight breathing
> motion for him which isn't really noticeably, but which nonetheless makes
> him seem slightly less stiff, and I've modified the ground texture to

> The new version has replaced the old one on my website, so it's available
> from the same place.
> Rune
> --
> 3D images and anims, include files, tutorials and more:
> Rune's World:    http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated Jan 2)
> POV-Ray Users:   http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk/povrayusers/
> POV-Ray Webring: http://webring.povray.co.uk

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From: Jan Walzer
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 8 Jan 2002 01:40:59
Message: <3c3a947b$1@news.povray.org>
"John D. Gwinner" <jgw### [at] dazsicom> wrote:
> That's how God did it .. but his computer is pretty big ...

yeah ... capable of Realtime-Raytracing ...

> I mean, look how many particles are in my finger!

How many ? I can't see them  ...

"Somehow what you suggest is like suggesting to add drills \ jan### [at] lzernet
to cars so you can drill for oil when you run out of fuel.  \
Sure you could do it, but it might not be the most practical >          Jan
solution." [Thorsten Froehlich in p.u.p]                    /        Walzer

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From: Mark James Lewin
Subject: Re: AL walking, stopping and turning - Final
Date: 8 Jan 2002 17:28:36
Message: <3C3B6E80.77D6111A@yahoo.com.au>
Wow, great movement!

I give two suggestions to help Al achieve realism (or as real as an alien can get
:-) The first is to make him blink every so often. You did this when he talked
and it really makes a difference. The second is to make him do something when he
stops walking. He becomes so rigid at this point (only his mouth moves) that it
is unnatural. If he swayed side to side, or scratched his head, etc. instead of
freezing, it would look so much better.

I do not mean to sound critical here, but rather point out that well done major
movements (like the walking that Al does) still needs those little things to help
it _really_ shine. If you have the talent (and by the looks of it, you do) you
may as well take it all the way.


light_source{12*(y-z)rgb 2fade_distance 9fade_power 2area_light x,z,5,5}#macro A
(H,B,R,T)prism{0,1H+4,0u*9,9v*9,0#local I=1;#while(I<H)#local V=asc(substr(B,I,1
))-33;<div(V,10)mod(V,10)>#local I=I+1;#end pigment{red 1}rotate-<90,R>translate
-T}#end A(16"/.@VZno=<PLA89/"0,5*x)A(14",6;MWmhryXN3,"60<15,0,8>)camera{location
25*(y-z)look_at 0}A(8"6hiAG=6"-60,-10*x)box{-99(x+z)*99 pigment{rgb 1}}   // MJL

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