"Chris R" <car### [at] comcast net> wrote:
> I'd be interested when you find your method of doing this as well.
I'll keep digging in the archive.
So. Many. Files.
The general gist of the method was like doing a Laplacian - rather than
evaluating the isosurface at <x, y, z>, Something like an inside test was done
across the 9 or 27 "voxels" surrounding and including the point.
The sum of this would then _gradually_ drop off, as more and more sample points
were zero, and only a few were inside the object.
I guess it's also like dithering, and edge-finding with a convolution kernel.
I could swear that I mapped / graphed this all out and got it to work very
nicely - I just have to find it.
- BW
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