"Rubber Telly Media" <rub### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Has anyone looked at the OpenGL "Compute Shader" System?
> It's being used for parallel processing of particle system simulations.
Having used Shadertoy, and converted many of the concepts of functional
programming to the generation of pigment {} patterns, I have a basic
understanding of how that works.
POV-Ray defines mathematical primitives and uses a ray-tracing approach.
The algorithms for object "detection", lighting, shadowing, etc. would likely
differ greatly, and so the entire WAY that these things would need to be
accomplished would have to be started from scratch to utilize the GPU in this
If it could be done at all.
I'm not saying that it can't. They are just fundamentally different ways of
doing things.
There are phrases and concepts in different (human) languages that simply can't
be adequately expressed in other languages.
Presumably this holds true for computer languages as well.
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