yesbird <sya### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> On 24/01/2025 14:03, jr wrote:
> > sorry, didn't mean to confuse, I must have put it poorly. yes, I'd vote :-) for
> > a Tcl-like, transparent to the end-user, compilation of the SDL. but if there
> > emerges a design based on a virtual machine rendering "backend", any language
> > will need to provide instructions for that, and we could see more than one of
> > the "traditional" scripting languages "extended" perhaps to emit "our"
> > byte-code.
> Thanks for correction. Really, LLVM - based parser could link POV-Ray
> with many other languages.
> --
> YB
Okay, apparently www.vulkan.org is another option for GPU programming, OpenGL is
supposed to be a bit heavy for Simple GPU programming.
But with Tens of Thousands of Floating-Point GPU Cores in your standard GPU, it
appears silly to be still using 4 to 16 CPU cores that suck at maths. CPUs are
well known for screwing up Floating-Point Maths (1.0+2.0=3.2 lol).
Oh and GLSL looks a lot like C Language. With a main that gets called for each
pixel by the cores, in a batch fashion...
Thank you, YouTube...I cannot find the original video; it appears to have been
taken down. But there are plenty on there still...
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