POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Can Pov Ray Do Real Time Ray-Tracing : Re: Can Pov Ray Do Real Time Ray-Tracing Server Time
9 Mar 2025 17:15:27 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Can Pov Ray Do Real Time Ray-Tracing  
From: Mr
Date: 7 Mar 2025 02:25:00
Message: <web.67ca9e3bfbe35a426fabdc506830a892@news.povray.org>
Ilya Razmanov <ily### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> On 07.03.2025 1:21, MrScottyPieey wrote:
> > Because of it only uses the CPU, not even the GPU. Pov-ray is not a real time
> > software
> I'm a bit confused what the expected answer should be, "And?" or "So?"
> --
> Ilyich the Toad
> https://dnyarri.github.io/

Or... that's not even relevant... a) POV *can* do real time. Using +RTR command
line... only partial export and persistent data allowing some more practical use
of it have so far been implemented solely in Uberpov. But then again if one
wants to use its "ghost" feature for motion blur partial export is not a
realistic option.   b) This discussion has occured several times in the past and
the development of Apple's M1 M2 and other increasing number of cpu cores
architectures have proved the POV developers right in their strategy. Also the
fact that pov runs flawlessly on phones without any heat using Termux. To
modularise without adding dependancy layers like opencl or nvidia cuda would be.
Also not reducing the toolset to mesh-specialized tools, the only ones for which
what you describe makes sense. TLDR: POV is much more than a mesh renderer. And
does have a real time rendering agenda.

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