William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> I started looking at a yuqk version of documentation for the text{}
> object. I quickly found out I've been decades clueless about the offset
> vector; Always setting the value to 0 - or maybe 0.1*x, if I wanted a
> little extra space between characters.
You and me both.
I don't even use a "vector" - I always set it to 0.
So I'm invisibly using <0, 0, 0>
Perhaps the docs can be edited to give a slightly better example.
The horizontal spacing is handled by POV-Ray internally including any kerning
information stored in the font. The required vector <Offset> defines any extra
translation between each character. Normally you should specify a zero for this
value. Specifying 0.1*x would put additional 0.1 units of space between each
character. Here is an example:
text {
ttf "timrom.ttf" "POV-Ray" 1, 0
pigment { Red }
Also, I'll probably want tiny example scene that better/best demonstrates
whatever else it is that you discover in playing with this heretofore ignored
- BW
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