William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Adding the inbuilt functions: f_bezier_2d_linear()
> f_bezier_2d_quadratic() f_bezier_2d_cubic() f_bezier_2d_quartic() and
> f_bezier_2d_quintic() to the next yuqk release (R19).
> The functions take and return single float packed 2d vectors in a
> double's space for control points and return values. Calculations are at
> double float accuracy internal to each functions code. The t parameter
> is passed as a double.
> The calculation and return mode settings:
> 0=<u,v> at t.
> 1=<u',v'> at t. (Tangent normalized)
> 2=<normal u,normal v> at t. ((1) rotated for normal)
> 3=<u',v'> at t. (Tangent / velocity)
> 4=<u'',v''> at t. (Acceleration / change in tangent)
> 5=<u''',v'''> at t. (Jerk / change in acceleration)
> Attaching images showing all six calculation and return modes for
> f_bezier_2d_cubic() f_bezier_2d_quartic() and f_bezier_2d_quintic().
Hi Bill
That is Interesting.
But I can't figure out how to interpret the two bottom graphs in the
attached images.
Tor Olav
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