POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. a5c25dda : Re: Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. a5c25dda Server Time
23 Feb 2025 21:17:09 EST (-0500)
  Re: Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. a5c25dda  
From: Bald Eagle
Date: 10 Feb 2025 10:35:00
Message: <web.67aa1bde9eb80dd25b4de9225979125@news.povray.org>
William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:

> Have you otherwise sorted out the cause yourself?

Yes.  It was a direct result of trying to use the wrong commit string.

> > ../configure -q COMPILED_BY="name" CXXFLAGS="-O2" --prefix=/tmp/yuqk_427af17e
> >
> > when in fact the package I was trying to compile/install was
> > povray-3.8.0-x.yuqk_a5c25dda

> > it.
> >
> The expectation is that yuqk's 'povray' executable will be run using a
> wrapper script. There is an example script in the root directory of the
> unpacked source code called 'yuqk'.

Maybe some text could be sent to standard output stating that before your make
script exits?

> I hope my rambling of some help.

It gives me a better idea of how to follow along.
I still need to get back into the linux mindset, and have some sort of mental
picture regarding where things are stored, how to access them, etc.

There's a lot of chown, chmod, ./filename, unfamiliar select/copy/paste
touchpad/keystroke combos, etc. that I have to familiarize myself with to adopt
a better workflow.

While working on the glory feature that CR posted, it (re)occurred to me that
having some sort of "flag" to jimmy function / color map behaviour would be a
useful thing.

I need to absolutely exclude certain inputs to my texture / color_map, and with
pov-ray's value-wrapping, and real-valued function results, I find myself
spending a lot of time trying to do clever things to use values to signify that
I want to do things "off to the side" of what the main function is doing.
Because I'm stuck using a mathematical function, not a macro or algorithm -
which some languages refer to as "functions".

What I'm wondering is if there's a (future) way to set the result of a function
like select () to NAN, i, or some other "orthogonal placeholder" that a
color_map would just "ignore" and maybe set to something like rgbft1.

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