Hello everyone,
The task asked me to create an image just like the one in Figure 1. There are 5
revolutions in it. So far my code can only create 1 revolution.
#include "colors.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
camera {
location <6, 9, -13>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
angle 45}
light_source {
<-5, 10, -20>
color 2*White
global_settings {ambient_light 3*White}
sphere_sweep {
linear_spline 11,
#declare N = 0;
#while(N < 11)
#declare RAD = 2*pi*30*N/360;
<2*cos(RAD), 0, 2*sin(RAD)>, 0.1
#declare N = N + 1;
pigment {color Yellow}
The outcome can only create 1 revolution of the spiral. I have an external file
that can define the x,y,z axis. Can someone teach me how to create spirals
exactly like figure 1?
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