=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_=27Yadgar=27_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmxde> wrote:
> High!
> After removing the absorption media, setting the extinction of the
> scattering media to 0 and increasing the density_map's values by a
> factor of 3000 (!), I at least got visible rings with a stark planet's
> shadow on the lit side as well as on the unlit side, but they are both
> too faint and too blue - and they cast no shadow on the planet!
> The only way make them cast a shadow is to increase extinction and/or
> adding an absorption medium - but whenever I try this, I got a shadow
> cast by invisible rings!
> HELP!!!
> See you in Khyberspace!
> Yadgar
They cannot cast a shadow, if they do not absorb light (since the extinction is
zero and there is no absorption). You can either fake a shadow, by placing
another ring with the no_image keyword and allow it to cast a shadow, or you
could adjust the media to make it do both.
I am not sure what you mean by invisible rings that cast a shadow - they don't
show up against the planet or space in lit areas, but the shadow does? Also,
increasing all of the density_maps values is equivalent to increasing the
scattering color (second parameter). Can you post some of the code?
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