Reuben Pearse <reu### [at] pearsecouk> wrote:
> I've been experimenting with rendering Lego models.
They're highly addictive rendering - I spent some time on this earlier this
year! :)
> I would appreciate some help in getting the texture/light settings right
> to simulate realistic looking Lego plastic!
I'd add a floor to break the lighting up, and provide something for shiny bricks
to reflect. A single light source in combination with the radiosity would look
good (as well as making any artifacts less obvious), or maybe an HDR probe in
3.7 or MegaPOV if you know how (this will also improve reflections).
As for texture, I found keeping it simple seemed to work well - reflection 0.05,
some specular, bold colours and zero ambient.
> Also, any suggestions on how to get rid of the strange artifacts that
> appear on the "ridged" brick.
They look like radiosity artifacts to me. Raise count, and maybe lower
minimum_reuse. Make sure pretrace_end is nice and low too.
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