POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Faceted Star : Faceted Star Server Time
5 Nov 2024 05:25:21 EST (-0500)
  Faceted Star  
From: Dave Blandston
Date: 17 Sep 2009 06:30:00
Message: <web.4ab20efff2685249df22a6900@news.povray.org>
Just a simple star with a few facets.

I made this star as part of an Esperanto flag, since my wife is learning
Esperanto. Since it's so simple I'll cheat a little and just post the source
code here in case anyone is interested...

Dave Blandston

#local StarPoint = object {
   intersection {
      box {<-1, -.08, -1> <1, .08, 1>}
      plane {z, 0 inverse rotate 70 * x rotate -54 * y translate -1 * z}
      plane {z, 0 inverse rotate 70 * x rotate 54 * y translate -1 * z}
      plane {z, 0 inverse rotate 110 * x rotate 72 * y translate 1 * z}
      plane {z, 0 inverse rotate 110 * x rotate -72 * y translate 1 * z}
      plane {z, 0 rotate 110 * x rotate -54 * y translate -1 * z}
      plane {z, 0 rotate 110 * x rotate 54 * y translate -1 * z}
      plane {z, 0 rotate 70 * x rotate 72 * y translate 1 * z}
      plane {z, 0 rotate 70 * x rotate -72 * y translate 1 * z}
   } //intersection
   translate 1 * z
} //object

#local Star = object {
   union {
      #local I = 0;
      #while (I < 5)
         object {StarPoint rotate (I * 72) * y}
         #local I = I + 1;
      #end //#while
   } //union
   rotate -90 * x
} //object

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