"Tek" <tek### [at] evilsuperbraincom> wrote:
> A couple of small tweaks...
I assume you're going for constructive criticism so I'll save the praise. That
said, it's already very impressive. You're really a master of POV-Ray
textures. Nevertheless:
- The protoplanetary disk fades out and gets very smooth at the outer edge. It
might be a little more interesting if it were wispier, but I'm not sure about
the physical accuracy of that. Maybe it just needs a little more contrast in
the colors. I guess jets aren't out of the question either. You can google it
as well as I can, but:
- Second, I'm not completely sold on the layout. There may be a smooth curve
from one end to the other, but it feels just a little loose since there aren't
quite enough objects to tell for sure. Maybe if it were a little stronger or
if the image were a little taller and followed a layout more like:
Again, I know that's very invasive; I'm just saying what comes to mind. I just
have a hard time getting completely absorbed in it with a 5:1 aspect ratio.
For example, this one guides my eyes a little more:
I know time is winding down though, and it's a wonderful image no matter what.
Good work
- Ricky
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