"Bill Pragnell" <bil### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> What ho
> Bill
Good start.
What exact difficulties are you having?
Try to follow the tutorial exactly. The point matching and masking are the
trickiest parts to master I find.
A few minor points:
-When taking your pics, try to make the camera level in all directions (not
absolutely necessary, but it certainly makes things easier in my opinion.
-Use HDR shop to make sure the images are aligned perfectly. Open all of one
series, maiximize the windows, then centre all images (5 on the keypad). You
can then flick back and forth between each pic and use the
"Image/Transform/Shift w/wrap" function in HDR shop to align each one, using
one as a starting reference. Even one pixel shift can help if necessary.
-Do this alignment before cropping.
-Try to match resolutions with your two combined HDRs and the masking image.
Scale smoothly. I always scale up to the largest.
- I use the mask provided and scale it accordingly
- After youve successfully created your full HDR probe, it is still in
mirrorball, transform to Lat/Long. I like to keep the height the same as the
mirrorball resolutions and the width double that (eg 500x500 mirroball ->
1000x500 Lat/Long)
Maybe post some details of your difficulties, or if you'd like you can email me
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