POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : DF3 Interpolation Problem : Re: DF3 Interpolation Problem Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:26:12 EST (-0500)
  Re: DF3 Interpolation Problem  
From: JeffBTX
Date: 31 May 2009 04:45:01
Message: <web.4a2242841aa18c336698c4a30@news.povray.org>
First; I made an error, in the code to display the DF3, replace:
//      emission 1*3
//      absorption 1*5
//      scattering {1, White*3 extinction 1}
//      emission White*3
//      absorption White*5
//      scattering {1, White*3 extinction 1}


I am using the web interface to access the POV Ray newsgroup. In Vista, I am
using "Windows Mail" (versus Outlook Express)... I've never tried to look at
newsgroups with that before... I just tried... "Windows Mail" just downloads a
list of microsoft.public.(xxx)(.xxx)(etc.) groups, no POVRay. Searched for
help, in Vista Outlook Express no longer exists. I don't know what to do if I
want to post .ZIPs for some reason... I am going to have to research adding
different news servers to Vista Windows Mail (IF I can do that...). Any Vista
users know a solution? Help? Inexperienced here, with this issue.

What you say makes perfect sense to me; that is, I understand it. But Alain says
that doesn't really help... I posted the code from your post into a new POV
file, tweaked the camera, etc., and rendered it. Using interpolate 2, the
problem still exists.

Thanks for the information. POVRay 3.6.1c is the problem, then... I hate to
download an ongoing work-in-progress beta though. I guess I just have to wait
for an official 3.7 release... in the meantime, any work I do with DF3's will
be suspect.

Oh, well.

- Thanks, all.

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