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From: JeffBTX
Subject: DF3 / interpolation question
Date: 30 May 2009 02:00:01
Basically I am getting artifacts from DF3 files. Alain suggested a possible
solution; fill empty spaces with 1's instead of 0's. I tried it... the problem
was alleviated somewhat. I am still getting severe artifacts if a voxel is
placed EXACTLY at the corner of a media cube, so I "backed the voxel off" into
the cube away from the corner a little. I'm still getting artifacts.
Here is the code that I used to display the DF3:
include "colors.inc"
camera {location <0,1.5,-1.5> look_at <0,0,0>}
light_source {<10,0,-10> rgb 1}
// plane {z, 10 pigment {Gray50} hollow }
box {0, 1
texture {
pigment {rgbt 1}
interior {
media {
// emission 1*3
// absorption 1*5
// scattering {1, White*3 extinction 1}
density {
density_file df3 "ts10.df3" interpolate 0
translate -0.5
rotate <0,45,0>
As you can see, one can comment out / uncomment any or all of the three media
types. For absorption media to show, there is a gray plane behind the media
cube that can be un-commented-out.
The three green cylinders help to orient the viewer.
The attachment is a screenshot of the data inside the DF3 (a hexdump). This is a
10x10x10 DF3; but I am still having the problem with a 100x100x100; I used a 10x
DF3 to show the voxel better. The header is indicated by green boxes, the voxel
is indicated by a red box. The DF3 is of the proper filesize and I think it was
constructed properly; 10*10*10+6 = 1006 bytes.
As you can see, the offset of the voxel is at 075h. That puts the voxel *AT* the
second coordinate away from the forward, left, lower corner. The coord is XYZ =
2,2,2; subtracting 1 to bring into the range of 0 to 9 is 1,1,1; and then the
offset is 1 + (1*10) + (1*10*10) = 111, + 6 (for the header) is 117, and in hex
that is 075h.
As Alain suggested, I filled the blank DF3 with 01 instead of 00 before I
altered it for the voxel.
In further posts I will try to post a .ZIP of the DF3, and a screenshot of
renderings that displays the problem (this will be the first time I have tried
to post attachments, so we will see if this works...)
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