=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_=27Yadgar=27_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> brightness 3.2
> always_sample off
> error_bound 1.5
> count 100
> If I lower error_bound too much (e. g. to 1.0 or even lower), I get
> Amalthea's portions which are closest to Jupiter glowing in an
> unrealistic red, surrounded by olive-green hues...
"brightness 3.2" sounds utterly wrong to me - 1.0 should be realistic (provided
that the implementation is correct in this respect... I'm not perfectly sure
whether it is though; but what I've seen so far when comparing to MCPov output
suggests values even below 0.3)
If you think the thing is too dark with brightness 1.0, maybe you may want to
check your gamma settings?
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