=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg_=27Yadgar=27_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmxde> wrote:
> High!
> Amalthea was modeled after a topographic map also made in 1997 by A.
> its surface color from a Voyager 1 photo of the small moon.
Be careful with Voyager photos. The colors, as generally shown to the public,
are wildly exaggerated. I get the feeling that the news outlets alter the
color balance after receiving the images from NASA, bread and circus and all
that. I'm sure the color balance information is available from NASA, but I
don't know how one would go about getting it.
(People look at Jupiter in a telescope, and are surprised to find out that it's
not really bright red, like in the pictures.)
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