"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] earthlinknet> wrote:
> FASCINATING! I *very* much appreciate the time you took to explain this method
> so clearly. Mesh 2 generation has been one of those 'mysterious' POV-Ray tools
> that I've never understood before. And eval() is another tool I haven't yet
> used, but am looking forward to experimenting with.
Actually, if you are fine with generating mesh, then there is not much need to
go for mesh2: Both are compiled into the same internal data structures, with no
difference in memory or rendering speed efficiency whatsoever. Mesh2 is intended
for a more compact file format and easier generation by modeller software,
that's all.
Although it is not commonly known, POV-Ray does quite a good job at optimizing
mesh data, detecting identical vertices and normals and such.
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