CShake <cshake+pov### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Looks much more stable than the last, far less prone to torquing around
> the axes. If the green cylinder is the actual size of the motor you're
> going to use, it looks fine, but it seems to have a rather small
> diameter compared to what I've used (plunge routers at least).
There's a tool available in the 'States (probably worldwide, I'm guessing)
called "Roto Zip" that might be ideal. It's basically just a big, beefy Dremel
tool, but with 'side-cutting' bits that can cut practically any material.
When/if I ever get around to building such a CNC router myself, this is
probably what I'll use.
(A rather badly-designed website, IMO)
Ken W.
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