![](/i/fill.gif) |
"Peter Hertel" <peter@**nospam**hertel.no> wrote:
> Mid-week abstract anyone?
> Just a small test, which uses a few techniques which perhaps might be of
> interest for some?
> First, it's a simple way of randomly placing a lot of objects without them
> intersecting. The code should speak for itself, but I don't know if this method
> is entirely bulletproof?
> Second, I wanted to use an image I did with apophysis (
> http://www.apophysis.org/ ). The resolution was a bit too low though, and I
> lost the settings to remake it. So I blurred it by averaging the image several
> times in a while loop. I've blurred procedural textures this way before, but it
> works quite well with image_maps also.
> I'd love to see some "remixes" of this scene! The source is below, and I can
> post the background image if anyone's interested.
> (Pinnedyr means phasmatodea/walking sticks in Norwegian).
> -Peter
> // +w1920 +h1200 +a0.3
> // +w1920 +h400 +a0.3
> camera{
> ultra_wide_angle
> location <1,3,-5>*0.3 look_at y*1 angle 130
> sky vrotate (<0,1,0>,z*40)
> translate <-1,-0.5,-1>
> right x*image_width/image_height
> up y
> }
> light_source{<5,15,-10>1}
> #local TO = plane{y,0} // Trace Object
> #local Radius = 0.025; // Radius of cylinders
> #local S = seed(1337);
> #local X = 0;
> #while (X<1)
> #local Shoot_Start =
> vrotate(<1-rand(S)*0.5,3+sin(X*4*pi)*0.1+rand(S)*0.2,0>,y*360*rand(S));
> #local Shoot_Direction =
> #local Shoot_End = trace(TO,Shoot_Start,Shoot_Direction);
> #if(Shoot_End.y=0) // If it hits the plane in TO
> #ifndef(OBJ) // Final OBJect
> #local OBJ = merge{
> #else
> #local OBJ = merge{object{OBJ}
> #end
> cylinder{Shoot_Start,Shoot_End,Radius}
> sphere{Shoot_Start,Radius}
> sphere{Shoot_End,Radius}
> }
> #local TO =
> union{
> object{TO}
> cylinder{Shoot_Start,Shoot_End,Radius*2} // Radius
> doubled to avoid collision
> }
> #end
> #local X = X+0.001; // Decrease to shoot more cylinders
> #end
> object{OBJ
> texture{
> pigment {rgb 0.9 filter 0.9}
> finish{reflection {0.2,0.6} ambient 0.1 specular 0.4 phong 0.3
> irid{0.25 thickness 1}}
> }
> interior{ior 1.255 fade_color x*2 fade_power 2}
> }
> #local AP = 0.05; // increase/decrease to blur less/more
> // These settings worked well for my 1920x1200 image_map
> sky_sphere{
> pigment{
> average
> pigment_map{
> #local X = 0;
> #while (X<1)
> [AP+X*AP, image_map{png
> "Apophysis-081026-214_1000.png" interpolate 2 map_type 1}rotate y*(35+1*X)]
> #local X = X+AP;
> #end
> }
> }
> }
Thanks for the source!
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![](/i/fill.gif) |