POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : linear sphere sweep vs union of spheres and cylinders : linear sphere sweep vs union of spheres and cylinders Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:16:25 EDT (-0400)
  linear sphere sweep vs union of spheres and cylinders  
From: regdo
Date: 5 Oct 2004 10:30:00
Message: <web.4162af58314562440ec0eb20@news.povray.org>
Hi to all.
First post, so be kind if i'm out of topic.
here's my problem : i have made an animation from a GPS log, with a shape
representating the car. I have no problem about the construction of the
path followed, for which i used a linear sphere sweep. But, the sweep has
more than 4000 points, so the render is *very* low (at least 15 minutes on
my 800Mhz Pentium). So I tried to optimize and remove the non-visible
points. It's much better (about 30s for each frame) but I still had a
problem with the suppression of these points, which sometimes cause the
sweep to come back onto the screen at positions it is not supposed to. So i
kept more points to keep the general shape of the sweep. It worked fine
till the 14000th frame where I, again, had the same problem. So I tried
replacing the sphere sweep with an union of spheres and cylinders, which is
very close to the initial result. I was **very** surprised with the render
times : for a 30s per frame with the optimized sweep, I now have a 2s
render-time with no optimization at all (more than 4500 cylinders and as
many spheres) !!
Can someone tell me where does such a difference come from ?
Thanks in advance for any information you could have.

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