OK, so I'm trying to make a CSG object which will eventually be a base upon
which a glass ball sits. I figure a this torus sitting half on top of a
very short but wide cylinder will do the trick. Because I'm still a bit
shaky writing the scene code, I render after every step, but something
strange happens when I add the torus to the scene. It renders entirely
this happens regardless of whether or not I'm tossing it into a union with
the cylinder or not.
Here is the code I have written for the scene thus far:
#include "colors.inc"
camera {
location <-2,1,-4>
look_at <0,0,0>}
light_source { <4,2,-1> White
plane {<0,1,0>, -1 pigment {checker Blue White}}
cylinder {<0,-1,0>, <0,-.9,0> 2 pigment {White}}
torus { 2, 1.9 pigment{White}}
Also, toruses bother me on another level. every other primitive shape (is
that right? spheres and cones and whatnot... they're primitives?) seems to
require a location in their basic description, but toruses only want the
two float values, and spit errors at you if you want to include a vector
for them. Please, I realize that I'm a rank amateur here, but if someone
would help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, I'd really appreciate it.
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