POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : cutting irregular holes?! : Re: cutting irregular holes?! Server Time
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  Re: cutting irregular holes?!  
From: frozen
Date: 14 Sep 2004 09:25:01
Message: <web.4146f074732004dc1f09a3bc0@news.povray.org>
"Stephen" <mca### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:

> out. It might be better to ask Moray questions in the Moray Newsgroups.
> Sorry I cannot tell you exactly which one to use but I am not at a machine
> with Moray installed on it.
> Stephen

First: Many thanks for your answer!

You missunderstand me, if you think, I want a specialized Moray-answer. I
just want to know, how something like the desired effect can be done in
general. If possible (and only then) I would try to perform this with
Moray. If not, I have to try without it. Since I ain't trained very well in
"thinking 3d" this is very hard for me, which is why i prefer something,
which can be done with Moray, like the CSGs mentioned above.

The "sweeps" Moray creates ain't "real" sweeps but objects of many many
triangles, a mesh I think. So they unfortunately can't be used in CSGs.
Well, this is what I found out until now.. Maybe I'm wrong.

Please tell me, if this question should be a new topic:
Is it an acceptable way to model some complex things in Moray and use the
created code to put the scene together in Povray itself? So that only some
translations need to be done in Povray code or maybe in a few cases the
points created in Moray could be hints for modeling it with Povray code
using a "real" sweep for example? For me this seems to be a good idea but
maybe someone can tell me, that it isn't?

Again thanks a lot for your kind answers!


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